Chapter 6

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Taehyung slowly sighed as yet another minute passed by. The blonde boy had been sitting on his couch for at least 30 minutes now, and was currently waiting for Jungkook to come pick him up. Earlier that day the young student had texted the ravenette his address, but to his surprise the other boy hadn't answered him, something which annoyed the blonde a bit. He didn't like being left on read.

Slowly Taehyung began to feel nervous. Today would be the day he would finally find out what Kai had been up to all those nights, and while the blonde haired boy couldn't wait to finally find out what his ex-boyfriend had been doing, part of him was a bit scared too. The two of them had only been broken up for a day now, and even though the young student didn't like to admit it, he was still completely broken from the inside. What if Taehyung became even more hurt once he found out what had happened on all those mysterious nights? What if he would find out everything he thought was true had actually all been a lie?

The blonde boy didn't have much time to get lost in his thoughts though, because as soon as he started to lose track of time his phone gave of a buzzing sound. Taehyung quickly shook his head to get rid of the thoughts inside of it and grabbed his phone. Once the young student unlocked his phone he saw Jungkook had texted him.

'I'm outside princess'

Taehyung's cheeks quickly became completely red and the boy slowly got up from the couch. The ravenette clearly had a habit out of calling the blonde boy princess, and even though it made Taehyung a bit nervous the blonde boy kinda liked the petname. The young student quickly got up from the couch and made his way towards the exit of his apartment.

Within two minutes Taehyung was downstairs and the blonde boy immediately started to shiver from the cold wind rushing past him. He quickly started to hug himself and put his hands inside his sleeves, something he always did when he was cold. The young student quickly looked around him and immediately saw an expensive looking car standing in front of the building he just came out of. Taehyung's eyes became as big as saucers as soon as he saw the car Jungkook was sitting in. Even though the blonde boy wasn't an expert at recognizing cool and exclusive cars, he immediately knew this one was something special.

Jungkook's car was a expensive looking black car, with tinted windows and a spoiler on the back, and judging by the outside it was probably pretty fast two. The car looked like it had cost at least a small fortune, this definitely wasn't the car Jungkook had used yesterday and it made the blonde wonder how many cars the raven haired boy owned to be exact. Slowly Taehyung shook his head, this car was insane.

Slowly a tinted car window started to roll down and Jungkook's face visible. "So, are you coming or would you like to stare at my car for a bit longer?" Jungkook suddenly said while a cocky smirk made it's way onto the raven haired boy's face. Taehyung slowly rolled his eyes and made his way to the passenger's seat. Jungkook's car was pretty cool, too bad the ravenette himself knew that too.

As soon Taehyung got in the black expensive car his mouth dropped. The inside of this car was even cooler than the outside. There were lights everywhere and it gave the car a really cool contrast. The seats were covered in dark leather , this car was so cool.

"You sure you wanna do this?" The ravenette said, unknowingly shaking Taehyung out of his thoughts. Quickly the blonde boy turned his head towards the raven haired boy next to him and nodded his head. Slowly both boy's locked eyes and Taehyung almost gawked at how Jungkook looked tonight. The ravenette was wearing his signature black leather jack with skinny blue ripped skinny jeans. His raven hair was messily done and a soft blush started to form on the blonde boy's face. Quickly the young student broke eye contact and fastened his seatbelt.

"Yeah, I don't want anything to be kept form me any longer, let's go" The young student answered, determination lacing his voice. Kai had been playing with him for way too long, and tonight would finally be the night it would stop. No more secrets, no more hiding. Tonight would be the night Taehyung would unravel everything.

"Alright then." Jungkook said before starting the car. A loud noise started to fill Taehyung's ears as soon as Jungkook brought the car's motor to life and not even a few seconds later the boys were on their way towards their to Taehyung unknown destination.

The car was fast, very fast. And even though Jungkook was driving perfectly save Taehyung couldn't help but feel like this boy next to him was a bit too skilled in driving this car. Jungkook had perfect control over the vehicle, even though they were clearly driving above the speed limit. Where had the ravenette said they were going again?

"So, how many cars do you own?" Taehyung asked after a few minutes of silence. The blonde boy had been really curious to know the answer to that question, you must be really rich in order to be able to afford a car like this one and a Mercedes right? "This one is a different one than the one you drove yesterday" The blonde added while a hint of curiosity could be found in his voice.

An amused look grew onto the face of the raven haired boy sitting beside him and slowly said boy began to laugh. "Just three, this one, the Mercedes and a dark grey Porsche." Jungkook answered, amusement still written all over his face. The boy clearly enjoyed Taehyung being impressed by his cars. "I hardly ever use the Porsche though." The ravenette added, before making a turn to left.

The boys were now driving towards the outskirts of the city and a scared feeling started to make it's way into Taehyung's chest. Whatever it was that Kai had been doing all those secret nights, it started to look shady as hell. Who in the world would willingly drive towards this part of the city at night? It was known to be dangerous after all, as lots of illegal things happened here.

"So how come you never use the Porsche?" Taehyung decided to ask, hoping the scared feeling in his chest would soon fade away. Jungkook quickly made a right before answering the blonde boy. "I don't know, maybe because my dad bought me that one while I earned the other two myself." Jungkook answered with a small proud smile on his face. Taehyung however was in shock, and confusion was written all over his face. How in the world could you make enough money to buy two cars like that at such a young age? What was the raven haired boy not telling him?

A comfortable silence fell between the boys and Taehyung slowly folded his hands together. He had only known Jungkook since yesterday yet somehow he felt really safe whenever the ravenette was around, and the blonde really didn't understand why Kai had always told Taehyung to stay away from the boy he was sitting next to. A soft sigh made it's way out of the young student's mouth, there was only one way to find out.

"So, how come you and Kai hate each other?" Taehyung decided to ask, while a hint of uncertainty laced his voice. Of course the blonde boy had asked his ex-boyfirend this exact same question multiple times, but Kai had always said it didn't matter or that they just didn't like each other.

The raven haired boy slowly started to smirk, while a hint of amusement started to be visible in his eyes. "Kai just can't handle the fact I always beat his ass whenever he's up against me." The raven haired boy answered, amusement lacing his voice. A confused look started to form on Taehyung's face, what the hell was that supposed to mean?

The blonde boy didn't have much time to think about the answer Jungkook had given him though, because as soon as the raven haired boy had answered he had stopped the car. "we're here, are you ready?" Jungkook asked the blonde boy, while locking his eyes with him. Quickly Taehyung nodded and gave the ravenette a small smile.

"Alright let's go then" Jungkook said before getting out of his expensive car. Taehyung took a deep breath before taking of his seatbeld. This would be it, the moment he would finally find out everything about Kai's secrets. The boy briefly closed before opening them again and getting out of the car.

Whatever it was that Taehyung was going to find out today, he was ready!



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