"Goodnight, Hope," I smiled. 

"Night," she grinned, walking back to her house. I went inside and took a quick shower, pulling a hoodie with sweatpants on. I waited a good thirty minutes before calling her. "Hello?" she sang. 

"Hello," I sighed, sitting against the headboard. 

"So, tell me... what is she like?" 


"That's a little vague," she chuckled. 

"Brown hair, brown eyes, a dimple on the right cheek, blah, blah, blah, and oh, her favorite candy is Starburst." 

She laughed before humming in response. "I'm trying to picture her. Tell me more." 

"I can tell you her measurements, will that do?" 

"Blake!" she scolded. 

"I feel like it'll help." 


"Thirty-two, twenty-four, and uh... thirty-four?" 

"You disgust me... but how do you know that?" 

I chuckled, "I grew up with you, and uh, I check you out." 


"All the time." 

"Blake," she groaned. She stayed quiet for a few beats. "Why her?" 

"I wish I knew," I sighed. 

"What if you can't have her?" 

"That depends... why can't I have her?" 

"As you said, she's with someone else." 

"Then I'll steal her." 

"Then you'll lose a friend," she mumbled, her voice softening. 

"That's the problem, isn't it?" 

"Do you... like her?" 

I sighed, leaning my head back. "I try not to." 


"Cause I can't have her, dumbass." 

"Okay, Asshole. Then you'll be single for the rest of your life," she scoffed. 

"No," I reasoned. "When I want her, I'll steal her." 

"And you'll lose a really good friend. Two maybe." 

My breath hitched in my throat. "You'd leave me if I took you from him?" 

"Don't talk like that, please. I'm nobody's to take," she sighed. 

"Answer the question." 

She fell silent, probably thinking about it. "No, I wouldn't. But I would hate to be the reason you lost a friend." 

"You really think he would..." 

"I don't know, Blake. But I like him. He's what I need right now." 

"He barely knows you." 

"He's trying to. That's what matters." 

"And what about how much I know you? Doesn't that matter?" I could feel myself getting angry. 

"Of course, it matters, Blake. But we... you... I left you. When I liked you and you liked me, I left you," she sighed. 

"I forgave you." 

"But that's-" 

"You want Jonah, Hope. Just admit it. It's okay. I understand he's better for you, he's the right one. He's the nice one, he's the sweet one. It makes sense for you to pick him, I don't blame you. And I won't interfere. At least I'll try my hardest not to. I promise you that," I rambled. 

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