Chapter 12

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At Raizada mansion...

"Chotte, Anjali has been crying all these while. She is worried that Damadji might not come back. She thinks he wont forgive her. I send her with Manorama to take some rest. What will do now Bitwa?" Nani expressed her worries to an already tensed Arnav.

"He will come back nani, Just give him some time. We should have waited to know the truth, especially me. Our actions have hurt not only Khushi but also him. we never tried to know his problems .Now when I think of it, isn't right that what jijaji said. Di should have tried to know what is bothering him or took time for him, but now...(he breathed a long sigh)Just give him some time Nani."

Nani agreed to her chotte. Anjali Bitiya should have taken time to know Damadji More, if she had then all these wouldn't happen. Not to forget her chotte's role in today's incident.So she pointed out.

"We have been cruel to that poor girl especially you chotte.You have committed grave mistake to her. We have to apologize to her. (then looked sternly at Arnav and said )you too. We will go to their house tomorrow and apologize. It's the right thing to do. I don't think after today she will ever set foot in our home (that made Arnav panicked)."

"We will go Nani"

"Chotte, will you go and sit with Anjali bitiya. She will listen to you. I am worried she will make herself sick"

Arnav nodded how he will refuse to take care of his di even though the worry about Khushi was eating him. He will have to wait till tomorrow to see her. With a sigh he went to Anjali's room.

Next morning Raizadas came to Lakshmi Nagar in full force. Garima Gupta opened the door to see the whole Raizada family . The immediate reaction of Garima was panic and fear that they are here to do more damage to her daughter.

Nani took the charge to ease her.

"Namaste Bitiya"

"The equities' Guptas followed didn't let the poor lady to close the door at their face.


"Can we come inside? Raizadas were not sure they will be welcomed but they wanted to ask Guptas forgiveness especially Khushi for yesterday's incident .Their actions are not only driven by their guilt but also the need to bring their damadji back home as they knew only Guptas forgiveness will do the task.

Garima was not sure, but even before Garima answers they heard a load voice

"Who is it Garima" from Inside

"Jiji, please come here" and after few seconds they saw buaji who enter the scene wiping her hands.

"You people here? "There was a frown on Buaji's face. Madhumathi didn't refuse to show her distaste to Raizadas.

"Can we come in madhuji" Nani showed her courage.

Even though her mouth itched to refuse she nodded her head agreeing. Raizadas entered the Gupta home. Gupta offered them seats. After they settled, Nani hesitated a little then said

"Madhuji, Me and My family wants to apologize to Khushi Bitiya and you all for everything that happened yesterday. It was awful from our part to say those things yesterday. We should have talked to anyone of you before doing that. Please forgive me and my family."

"I won't say it's okay Davayaniji, because it was not. You called my Bitiya to your home and abused her. If you wanted to confront things you could have come here and talked but you chose to torment my child. So it is not okay. But we will let it go because my bitiya said us to leave the matter. She said your worry for your daughter must have made you all behave so. If not for her, I would have come there yesterday itself and said everything I wanted to. But now I don't have anything to say to you all. Your family have done enough to Us. So I request you if you truly regret yesterday's act then please stay away from us and let us live" Madumathi said joining her hands.

"I promise Madhuji, my family will never cause any harm to you any more" Nani quickly said not wanting to get embarrassed more hearing her family's honorary acts.

"Can we see Khushiji buaji? We want to apologize to her once. "Anjali said looking around to catch the sight of Khushi.

"She is not here" Madhu quickly dismissed any effort from Raizada to see Khushi. She will be dammed if she let them even near her. But Raizada youngsters were disappointed with the whole thing. If Arnav and Akash were disappointed on not seeing Khushi and Payal, Anjali expected to meet Shyam here.

"Buaji can you please call Shyamji? He didn't attend my calls too." Anjali requested.

Other Raizadas face palmed hearing her request. How could she expect him to be staying here after the stunt they pulled yesterday?

Buaji was burning in anger hearing the request. What did they think of themselves? How dare they?

"He doesn't stay here. Isn't he your husband? Aren't you who supposed to know his activities? "She then turned to Garima and said" Move aside Garima, Let her go and investigate. Who Knows, We may have hid him under the bed or in a cupboard. "She said giving a disgusting glare to Anjali and Raizadas.

"Anjali lets go, Arnav bitwa get the cars" Nani harried. She doesn't want her granddaughter to create more seen.

Arnav nodded his head giving last glace around the home to see if Khushi was there.

"But nani" Devayani doesn't let her complete and dragged Anjali out saying a quick Namaste and others followed her

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