Chapter 4

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Shyam just gave Arnav a nod and walked away from there only to find Khushi bidding bye to Nani after taking her blessing and saying goodbye to Lavanya and Anjali. He wanted to explain khushi of his situation but couldn't leave home because of Anjali's demand to spend time with her.

Khushi explained what she saw at Raizadas house to her family. As expected they were shocked .Buaji was guilt ridden with the thought that she was forcing her niece to marry a married man, a cheater. She was continuously apologizing khushi. Khushi consoled her and ensured her no damage was done as she didn't agree to the it was okay. Buaji swear to beat him with her belan if he comes again to Gupta house. Everyone was of the opinion of not saying anything to Raizadas as they don't know why he was pretending as an orphan and they feared what the great ASR would do this time in his anger and ego as some people in Raizada house believed Khushi is all set to trap rich men.

She lay on bed after a hectic day. Arranging things for tomorrow, meeting a lawyer for contracts then going to Shops that assured them business, all took her energy . It was late at evening she returned back to home .She was thankful that people like Happyji still exist who are ready to help them at the time of need.

She is going to have a new beginning away from Raizadas. She had much to do and nobody to depend on. She has to start early. The sample sweets she gave to bakeries and restaurants got good response and were given orders for same with advance. She and her family could manage to make samples with ingredients in home and years of expertise. But she has to get provisions and some vessels to start business which she had to buy tomorrow morning. She also has to go to textile shops which agreed to supply cloths for tailoring unit. After informing family of shyam she was busy arranging all these. All she now wants is her Devi Maya's blessing to help her and to prevent her thoughts of a certain Raizada. Soon she fell into deep sleep.

But that was not the case with Arnav. Khushi ignorance was not doing any good, he was restless. Why couldn't she agree that his closeness to Lavanya affects her? He knows he had hurt her in the past days with most horrible words but he couldn't help it. Her non caring attitude makes his blood boil and making him loose his control on words only to make him regret later. He will talk to her tomorrow at any cost.Thinking so he too went to sleep without knowing all his plans are to be spoiled.

Anjali Jha got a phone call at morning from khushi.

Khushi: Namaste Anjaliji

Anjali: Namaste Khushiji, what happened? Why have you called early morning?

Khushi: Anjaliji I won't be working in Raizada house from today .Naniji has accepted Lavanyaji and they are about to get now my work is done.

Anjali: but Khushiji you have to help me with preparations

Khushi: most of the things you need help have been arranged. I am sure you can manage other things without my please spares me from that.

Anjali: But Khushiji

Khushi: Anjaliji I have some other works to do which don't give me the liberty to work at your home while doing them.

Anjali: okay Khushiji, but won't you come to collect your salary.

Khushi: can you please transfer it to my account.

Anjali: I will talk to chotte about that Khushiji. You have to visit us all regularly Khushiji otherwise I will think that you forgot us.

Khushi: I will Anjaliji. Ok then Anjaliji .Bye.

Anjali: Bye

Anjali walked towards dining table .Seeing her sad Nani asked

"What happened Bitiya? Why are you looking sad?

"Nani Khushiji called now; she said she won't come to our home from today."

"But why bitiya? Is she fine?"

"She said now that her job for which she has been hired has completed and almost all preparations are done, she would like to see her other commitments. You know she have some financial problem, May be that's why?"

"Won't she come to at least say bye or collect her salary?" Nani couldn't help but to ask . She took a great liking towards this particular girl.

She said whether we could transfer it to her account? May be she is busy, but promised to visit some time. Anjali informed her Nani

Mami couldn't tolerate more talks on phateesadi "Acha he...very good we don't have to tolerate her more...hello hai bai bai"

Lavanya felt sad that her new found friend won't be there to give her company anymore. She mentally noted to make a phone call to Khushi. But nobody noticed the changes in two people. If shyam was guilty because he believed it's because of him ,khushi doesn't want to continue whereas Arnav was angry, frustrated How could she decide something like this without informing him, doesn't it bothers her she won't see him again.' Why he is angry, isn't this he always wanted? Her to go way from his life, then why is he feeling a void suddenly?' Arnav thought...

Di ,I won't transfer her salary, ask her to come and collect it, how dare she suddenly announce something like that when there is so much work pending, so unprofessional to inform this suddenly without any notice.

Chotte, Almost all work is done and she must be engaged with something else. Otherwise she would have surely come, Nani defend her khushi bitiya and Anjali nodded in agreement with her Nani's words.

Anyway inform her about salary arrangement bitiya, at least we could bid a proper goodbye to her.

Sure Naniji, I will ask her to come today itself. It's not fair to make her wait. Nani smiled in appreciation on her Anjali bitiya's words.

Arnav felt some happiness, let her come I will make sure you will work for Raizada only. I won't let you go easily khushi after disturbing my peace. Arnav started his planning when he saw his sister already on call informing khushi about same.

Kushi was busy setting their tailoring unit when she got the call from Anjali and she immediately knew if she goes to Raizada mansion all her plans will go in drain. She could manage to set the unit with payal's help. Khushi will have to go to bakeries and restaurants to deliver sweets they managed to prepare early morning and while coming back have to collect cloths from ready made shops. Buaji will be helping her to make sweets and do chikenkari work if they have any order. Payal will be teaching tailoring in morning to some ladies and girls from their locality who showed interest when they got to know about Payal starting classes. From afternoon she, Payal and Amma will work in the tailoring unit. To say she is packed will be understatement. But she has to if she wants to manage their financial needs.

Arnav was working sitting at pool side when Hp came collect Khushi's salary. Arnav dismissed him saying he himself will give but to his utter disappointment he saw Payal waiting at lounge . Kushi knows what will happen if she come to santhivan so she send Payal asking her to collect it while returning from temple and had strictly told her to not to say anything much about their new setup.

Nani was disappointed not to find Khushi when Payal said them that she is preoccupied and might not get time to come here today, Nani could only ask her to tell Kushi to visit them frequently

Arnav got frustrated on not finding khushi. He had postponed his meeting and worked from home only to make his plan in to action but all went vain when she refused to show up.

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