Chapter 17

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That night Payal told Khushi about the visit by ASR. Khushi feared the outcome but was prepared to face anything now .Next day she and Buaji met Gowtham and his partner as decided. They agreed to enter an agreement. Gowtham had visited Gupta house with his parents who was eager to meet Khushi. Gowtham's father who was an Ayurvedic doctor recommended Shashi to be taken to an ayurvedic hospital in Kerala and he himself arranged everything from appointment to stay for Sasi and Garima.

Khushi and payal couldn't ask more. They have been worried about their babuji .when Gawtham's father assured he could recover with Ayurvedic treatment ,They felt a hope that everything will be back to normal. Khushi and Payal saved every single penny they could to provide sasi better treatment.

With Sasi and Garima leaving for treatment and the expenses for that taken care off, Khushi rented a small house in Lakshmi nagar registering it as small scale industry and have opened an outlet in the front room of the house. She started getting small orders from her neighbors and their friends. Buaji's chikenkari work was also more in demand that she doesn't have much time to spend on sweet making.

"See Na Jiji when we were going door to door with those sari's nobody needed that but when it is sold in an A/c shop everybody wants that. Today the manager asked if we can complete five sarees by next week. Buaji has to be a robot to do that".

With buaji engaged otherwise Khushi couldn't manage sweet making alone with all the orders just with Payal's help .It was Payal who suggested her to call her babuji's previous workers who too lost job due to the closing of their shop. They were happy that Khushi called them and elated to work for them again .They came to Delhi in 2 days .With their years of experience and expertise Khushi managed to make more verities which gained her more customers. They were managing well when a morning her phone rang. Seeing an unknown number she attended.

"Hello...who is this?"

"Khushi... "came a familiar voice .She was about to cut it when

"Please don't cut the call Khushi. I want to talk to you"

"I don't have anything to talk to you"

"Just once hear me"

"I said I don't have anything to talk to you "and she cancelled the call.

Arnav expected this. That's why he has been waiting at the streets of Lakshmi Nagar to get a chance to meet Khushi alone. After sometime he saw her getting in a rickshaw and going somewhere . He followed her. He saw her getting down at a cloth store. He waited her to come back. When he saw her returning from shop he got down and went near her and stood in front of her

Khushi was first shocked to see Arnav right in front of her, She was about to cross him and go when he held her upper arms.

"Khushi I need to talk to you. I won't take much time."

"I said I don't want to"

" Lower your voice Khushi .People are staring .Get inside the car. After we talk I will leave you alone. I won't leave without talking to you. Choice is yours. Whether to create a scene or just talk and get over with it"

She huffed and went with Arnav .After she got in the car Arnav looked at her. He was taking it all he can after seeing her near after a long time.

"How are you Khushi?"

"What do you want to talk Mr. Raizada?"

"Khushi...I want to apologize first... He couldn't complete when Khushi stopped him

"Why did you want to talk to me? Get to the point .I have work to do"

Arnav took a long breath. His patience was  running out. Anger started to cloud  with Khushi's behavior .But he controlled it.

"Okay, You know Akash and Payal like each other but she refused his proposal. Akash is not taking everything good. He is in a pretty bad state of mind. I talked to Payal but she refused. So?"

When Khushi didn't say anything even after he said all this he again asked

"Say something Khushi"

"What should I say ?. First of all Akashji thinks he loves jiji.It is jiji's choice to do what she wants. Then it's Akashji who has to understand and it's you people who has to make him realize about his foolishness . what did all these have anything to do with me?"

"You think his love is foolishness?"

"Yes" Arnav calmed himself not to say something nonsense in his anger.

"Khushi. He loves her. Why don't you talk to her? Ask her to give him a chance to win her. I will not ask her to get married to him but why not give him a chance to win her?"

"Really Mr.Raizada. First of all it's not mine or your place to meddle with their life. Secondly my Jiji is not Lavanyaji that you play girlfriend boyfriend for some time and then ta-ta bye bye. Thirdly I will never convince her to give Akashji a chance because I don't trust your brother or your family with my Jiji."

"Khushi I know the things happened last time was pretty bad. We should have tried to know truth before we did anything .But it was purely my mistake. They just trusted my judgement and got panicked. Why should Akash and Payal suffer because my bad judgement? Everyone is guilty Khushi for their actions. They are not like that. You know it"

"Really. Now you are acting like you don't know a thing. Then let me enlighten you. Let's start from the day I met you. You locked me in room even after I begged you and said my Jiji's marriage is on line. Then the  video of me falling with nasty comment on media .What do you think I have gone through because that? What would you have done if I did something or killed my self? .Would you have given me my life back? What do you think my family  felt when their up bring was questioned? I won't say anything that happened in AR because that was between you and me. But what happened next. Your di and nani knew how much you hate me,even then she blackmailed me to come to your home .Then wasn't it your sisters responsibility to talk to you and your girlfriend before doing that and convince for it. Then how can I forget your mami...From the first day I met her she had shown me how much she hate me and my jiji. She didn't mind to tore the sarees we brought your home for sale. Why will she? Then when your sister ordered sweets for her anniversary, what happened. The sweets brought by us were spoiled by her. Do you know how we managed to make them? I had to sell my mother's jewelry to raise fund for that. Still I didn't blame her. I made the sweets in your home but what did you say. It's my duty to do that and don't deserve payment because I used your things. Isn't?

She didn't consider the fact that  we are doing all these for our lively hood. She didn't consider that how much effort we must have put to do that work. Then when I started working in your home, what did she do. I was about to get arrested for theft. What did she had against me for doing all this? Then the insult thrown at my family by her and her snobbish way she address us.And you say your family is not like that.

So now you tell me why should I ask my Jiji to give a chance to your brother knowing she will get nothing but insult and taunts ahead in her life. Why will I convince her knowing what your family is capable of. How inconsiderate and manipulative you and your family is. Why will I push my jiji in to such a family who play with others emotions.

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