"Are you ready Danny?" Bruce opened the door for him. With a small thank you, Danny took his seat. The trip was short and uncomfortable. Neither attempted to make any small talk. Danny fidgeted with his hands as Bruce led them inside a skyscraper.

"You can go in Mr. Fenton," the receptionist waved at them as they stepped into the office. Bruce gave him an encouraging pat before making his way out. Danny on the other hand, nervously followed the nurse. He kept reminding himself this was not Spectra but he could never forget those words.

"Creepy little boy with creepy little powers..."

"Dr. Adar Lincoln," the tall man smiled, offering his hand to Danny. "A pleasure to meet you Daniel." Danny cautiously shook his hand. He was still shocked from the emotional black mail Bruce weaponized to get him here. Into the white therapy room with a doctor he had never met. How could he do this? How could he have allowed himself to be manipulated so easily? Danny wished Mr. Grayson or Jason would storm through the door but he doubted they even knew. Mr. Grayson had his phone switched off and no one would tell Danny where Jason was. In all honesty, Danny desperately wanted to run away from the manor. Tim was the same age as him yet it always felt like the boy had lived beyond his age. Damian was making it his life goal to constantly remind Danny who was superior. Though it was clear, Danny was not the insecure one.

"Alright Daniel-"

"I like Danny." Doctor Lincoln was a well built man yet his brown eyes shone with kindness. Everything about the man was perfect and welcoming. No doubt Bruce had done a theral background check.

"Danny then, I know you may find it awkward to discuss your personal matters with me, a complete stranger. I'm not going to force you so we'll begin with where you're comfortable." Danny didn't reply. What was he supposed to say? 'Hey. I was just fourteen when my parents built a strange machine. It was designed to view a word unseen. When it didn't quite work, my folks, they just quit but then I took a look inside of it. There was a great big flash, everything just changed. My molecules got all rearranged -'

"Very well. I'll start us off then." Dr. Lincoln's voice snapped Danny back to reality. "First off, we have to set some clear goals and guidelines. As your therapist, I am legally and ethically prohibited from releasing anything discussed in this room unless I have reasonable grounds to believe your or someone else's life may be at risk. So rest assured, Bruce will not know of what you say here. Secondly, I am your therapist, nothing more or less. In the forms I will be giving you, there will be more information on what actions you and I will have the options of taking if this trust is broken or if there is any misconduct whether from you or I. You don't have to answer anything you're not comfortable with." Dr. Lincoln handed Danny an envelope of papers. "These are for you to read. Today, we will only be setting a goal to work towards." Danny nervously fiddled with his hands. He was not sure what it was that he needed to work towards. Maybe if he remained silent, Dr. Lincoln would send him home - No to the manor and they could all forget about this. To his dismay, Dr. Lincoln patiently awaited his answer.

"Bruce briefly explained to me the recent events in your life. I think our first goal should be to accept the emotions and pain that came with them." Danny clenched his hands as another wave of betrayal made its way into his heart. How could Bruce discuss his life as if it were nothing? He didn't want another son so why not leave Danny be? Was he afraid of how Mr. Grayson would be affected by all of Danny's problems? "It seems Bruce and you are not on the best terms-"

"Terms? We are not even in the same book." Danny grabbed the envelope making his way out of the building. He ignored Dr. Lincoln's calls, making his way to an ally. He was tired of Bruce. Tired of attempting to understand the manor and it's residents.

"Planning on running away kid?" The robotic voice stopped Danny from turning ghost as he stood still. "Again." 


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Hey guys! Been a while but here I am. I have somewhat resolved the technical difficulties however who knows what's gonna happen.

Anyways, hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas. New Years Eve & Day are just a couple of days away. Do you guys have any plans or traditions? 

My family sorta has a tradition. We stay up till 12:01, watching a comedy movies and eating peanuts and sweet food (I don't know what it's called). For years, I thought it was just something me and my siblings had somehow made a tradition of doing but like 3/4 years ago, I found out my parents had been doing it with their parents and siblings since they were kids. Like my grandparents, even though they don't eat peanuts or sweets anymore will still get them, and have a few while watching T.V.



Be safe, stay warm and best wishes.


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