"I was watching this play, it is entertaining."

"Ah, besides that are you well now?! You retired without any notice to us."

"I am well Ichinose, just a little weakness."

"Oh okay, by the way Hirata told us that you gave him the leader name of Class B and Class C. Saying that it was me and Horikita who figure those names out."

That is true, I had asked Hirata to stay quiet on this matter, but since I was not very direct about keeping it discreet so he ended up telling Ichinose when she asked about it.

I turned towards Horikita, as if asking what she did after that.

"I agreed with him that I was the one who figured it out, but now I demand a proper explanation of what happened actually."

Apparently she hid away my existence as naturally as she could from Hirata but Ichinose ended up noticing the incongurrency. Telling these two about my plans is not much of a loss, since Chabashira-sensei will be leaking more information soon anyways.

Better move would be to let Ichinose know about what happened as well, since if she was the traitor then Horikita would not have allowed Ichinose to approach me with her anyway.

"I will tell you how I figured this all out, but like before my only condition is that you two keep quiet on this matter. I won't compromise on this."

They both nodded slightly in agreement.

"What would you like to ask?"

"How did you figure out the identity of the Class B leader?" Ichinose was the first to ask.

"The night of the first day, I had asked Akito to switch over the watch with me. At that time I bought a camera from the school that could at least record for 5 days. I installed it in the very small chamber the hut had on its ceiling, where we had found the map."

Since no class would risk claiming a spot in the last 2 days for some measly amount of points 5 days was enough for security.

"Wait, how did you install the camera alone? That spot was quite high."

"Let us skip that part, I don't want to remember it."

"Okay so how did you find the identity of the leader?"

"On the third night when the downpour began I stopped you all purposefully from reclaiming the hut, in order to give the other classes an easy opening to snatch it away. But Kanzaki was cautious, he scanned the hut thoroughly before reclaiming it."

Fortunately he did not notice the small hole in the ceiling through which the camera peeked.

"When they claimed it I deduced their class leader was Chihiro Shiranami."

"Wait, I didn't even know her name, how did you know her?"

"I had not known the name of that girl nor would I have been able to identify her. As the angle at which the camera was placed only showed a small portion of face and mostly hair of the person. But on the morning of the third day Kanzaki met us in front of the waterfall, there Kushida called out to that girl. I remembered her name from that incident and thus, was able to identify her again when I retrieved the camera by infiltrating the hut covertly."

"Just from when were you planning all this?"

"The moment we found out the map."

It took both of them a little time to swallow the story.

"How did you find the identity of the Class C leader?" Horikita asked this time.

"When I discovered Albert standing at the hut, I assumed that he was there to stall our time. The most possible target would be the treehouse, since we had sent the other girls to the waterfall already."

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