chapter 12

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Alyssas POV

' I'm sorry I had to hang up and block you today.

My mom has enemies and of course it's with the Italian cartel leader, Giacomo Polibio. I cant say much but his son Mattia hates me with a passion and I met with him today. That's probably the voice you heard on the phone call and it's the reason I was whispering.
If he finds out I have you in my life he will do anything to get to you and hurt you.
Alyssa, I know we just met but you really bring my soft side out. I haven't smiled as much as I do now before I bet you.
I want to keep you safe. It's best if we don't see each other for a while. But don't worry, our ally is the Japanese cartel leader and her son, Kairi. Please don't be mad at me. I'll always think about you <3'

"Oh shit..." I finished reading the letter. My vision grew blurry and I quickly wiped my tears away. This whole situation seems straight out of a movie. I couldn't believe what I had just read.

More cartel people?? Japanese allies?? It's too much to handle. I just keep thinking about Alejandro writing that we shouldnt see each other for a while. He and Camila are my only sources of happiness right now...

I felt out of place now after reading it that I hurried and backed out of his driveway. While looking at my top mirror, his house grew smaller and smaller until it was just a tiny square in the distance.

The note felt like he was saying goodbye forever. I know I just met him but he really impacted my life. Weirdly enough, he came as soon as my life got worse and put a little light on it.

The traffic today seemed like it knew how I was feeling today and decided to stay slow. Car horns beeped at every corner and every traffic light. My patience grew thin.

I turned into the usual diner spot and parked all the way in the back. My phone started ringing with a call from Camila and I immediately answered.

"Where are you? You turned your location off."

"Oh, uh I'm at the diner. I did what you said and called Alejandro but some things didn't add up so I went to his house but I couldn't see him." I started to explain to her.

"What do you mean you couldn't see him? Did you forget your glasses?" She laughed. I sighed reaching for the note again.

"It was just an interesting day for me. Not a good one honestly." I said remembering that I yelled at an old man earlier.

"Oh yeah! Caleb came by and we hung out and he told me you were acting weird. He said some other things too!" She said in her "tea spilling" voice.

"I don't even wanna think about that, it was so weird." I looked down and shook my head feeling my cheeks get hot from the embarrassment.

"Just come home since it's getting dark out."

"I will, I'm just gonna get something real quick." Since I'm at the diner I might as well buy milkshakes and fries for us. Camila started a tradition the year we met that at least once or twice a month we sit down and gossip with milkshakes and fries. We haven't done it since we graduated high school a couple months ago.

I turned my head to look at the spot I first saw Alejandro standing in while getting out of the car. It was empty right now. All I wanted to do was text him but I know it wouldn't go through. I wonder how long we're not gonna be talking to each other for.

Some random guy held the door open for me and I thanked him as he walked away. The diner was at its usual pace, pretty empty.

"Alyssa nice to see you're back." The hostess recognized me. Yeah, me and Camila are here a lot.

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