chapter 28

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Alyssas POV

He stuck by my side the whole time. Caleb wouldn't listen to me when I told him to fuck off multiple times. He just couldn't catch a hint.

"I thought you hated me. What are you doing following me?" I ask him but not looking at him.

"So what if I hate you, I still think about you all the time and I can't seem to let you go."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in. This is something I don't need right now. I already have so much going in my head about things that happened a couple days ago and Alejandro's safety.

"Just stop! I'm never going to be with you. It was just one date that you're clinging onto. It's pathetic."

"Calm down Alyssa-"

"No. I have enough things to worry about and you're not going to be one of them." I rolled my things with me outside and was met with the cool air. If I were in a cartoon there would be smoke coming out of my ears and my cheeks would be flustered red.

"I still like you Alyssa." He caught up behind me.

"You shot up my parents house." I reminded Caleb.

"That was nothing."

"Nothing?!" I snapped. "They were literally trying to make me pay for the damages you and your stupid people did."

We argued back and forth with each other until my ride came for me. Caleb grabbed my suitcase from me and put in the trunk. I didn't bother thanking him, I didn't need to anyway. He was being a pain in the ass for the past few hours.

"Go to your stupid boyfriend. He's probably dead already." I heard come from him as we drove off.

I had to pretend that I didn't hear it. I didn't want to think that it could actually be true. Some of the good scenarios I made up is that Alejandro just lost his phone and couldn't reach me, or him and his mom went away for a trip without technology.

Jonah told me to stop being such a pessimist and start thinking positive. Think about the good outcomes rather than the bad ones.

I had my ride drop me off at a car rental place. I know Ale wouldn't want a stranger driving to his house.

"Uh, I have a rental under the name Alyssa." I told the person in the front desk.

"Yup. White Audi A7?"

"Mhm." I said with my lips pressed together.

The last words Caleb said to me were floating around inside my head, repeating itself over and over again. I can't forget it, I can't even forget the tone he said it in.

What if he was lying about leaving the cartel just to mess with me?

My right leg bounced up and down the more I wait for these damn keys. All the anxious thoughts started rolling their way back into my mind and pushing the good thoughts out.

"Here are the keys ma'am."

I grabbed them politely thanking her and going to the lot. It was the only car there so I didn't have a problem spotting it. I rushed to get out of here and get to Alejandro's house.

While about a half a mile away I remember our last phone call. He was high on something. What if he took too much of it and couldn't wake up?

I found myself pressing harder on the gas. Everything around me disappeared as I just wanted to see him. I couldn't focus on the road with tears starting to form in my eyes.

Car horns blared at me and I wiped my tears away. I stomped hard on the brakes and stopped in the middle of the road and saw another car swerved to the side with someone inside yelling at me.

My breathing got heavier. I didn't even know what to think anymore. Everything was starting to seem familiar and I noticed I was driving past my parents house.

They completely remodeled outside and changed the driveway.

The turn for the long lonely road was coming up. I sped down it and felt relieved when the big white house with the fountain outside came up.

Alejandro's car was in its usual place and I don't see any additional cars so I guess Kairi and his mom went back to Japan.

One of the guards recognized me and opened the gates. I strolled and parked next to Alejandro's car. I threw the door open and ran to the house. A big body stepped in front of mine and I fell back.

"No guests today." He crossed his arms.

"Then why let me in?" I didn't have time for this. I needed to get in there.

"I'm sorry but you have to go."

"No! I need to get inside. I'm Alejandro's girlfriend!" I tried persuading him and it worked. He moved out of my way and let me inside the house.

It was dark and seemed to be abandoned. There were no shoes by the entrance and no one to be found. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. I ran up the wide stairs to Alejandro's room.

There he was. Laying on the floor looking lifeless.

"What did you do?" I stressed. I dropped to my knees and shook him until he woke up. Alejandro reeked and he didn't look too good.

"Baby..." he whispered. "He got Kairi."


"Kairi is dead...and so is Giacomo." His voice didn't even sound the same.

"What the fuck happened?" I tried sitting him up but he was too heavy for me. The bottles next to him explained why he was sleeping on the cold hard floor and why he smelled so bad.

"He was my best friend. I was tied up and forced to watch my best friend get shot in the head." Alejandro explained.

"Oh my god." I covered my mouth in disbelief.

"I'm done with this. I- I can't do it anymore. I'm telling my mom I'm done with this life." He says up looking at me. "Two days ago I learned life is short and it can be taken away from you in an instant. So me and you are going away together and never looking back." Alejandro grabbed my hands and brought me closer to him. "We have to make the most with what we have."

"Babe, you're drunk you don't know what you're talking about."

"No! I've been thinking and I don't want to do this anymore. I want to be with you until I die because I love you." he squeezed my hands.

My eyes teared up again. I came all this way just to check up on him. That's when I knew I loved him. When I was so worried that I couldn't even think straight and imagined the worst, so worried I could've died in a car accident.

"I love you too, Alejandro." I wiped my tears. "Let's go to a hotel or something. You shouldn't be here anymore."

He nodded his head and I pulled him up using all my strength.

"I'm sorry I haven't spoken to you. I've just been so devastated. Usually death doesn't bother me but seeing Kairi be blown like that really hurt."

"Don't apologize. I'm just glad I came before you could do something stupid."

I helped him grab any clothing and stuff it into a duffel bag. He took out another bag and walked to a silver safe. Alejandro put in a code and took out loads of cash, throwing it into the bag.

"Where are we gonna go?" I asked him.

"Wherever you want to go." He simply replied.

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