His Mistake

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This is Hi Torauma, he is 18 years old and he's on the run from something that had happened in his past but he didn't have to run away at first.... that was because he hasn't met Kishiro Mikolaus yet.

Now Hi Torauma is not only on the run he is running from his past mistakes and running from someone who is obsessed with what he is. It's to the point that it scared him to think that he was going to be killed or used for something that he didn't want to be apart of that's why he is running.

He is running out of time because Kishiro Mikolaus is catching up to him, now yes now he has to escape and fast so he ran towards the forest but with only a short amount of distance between Kishiro is that he managed to get away. He kept running till he got out to the other side of the forest where he took a moment to catch his breath but he didn't stay there for long he had to keep moving for Kishiro was hot on his trail.

He had to get to the other side of the forest as fast as he could without Kishiro catching him for if he got caught only God would know what would happen to him. He didn't plan on getting caught so he ran till he got out to the other side of the forest where he thought he was safe.

It was his only way out of his situation and he just barely made it with Kishiro just inches from catching him but he got to the other side and ran to the nearest kingdom he could.

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