Princess or prisoner?

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This is Amaya Mizuki and she is the princess of a kingdom called Haikyo Andāwārudo.

Where she grew up with untold secrets of both herself and of her kingdom but she has a lot of responsibilities of being a proper princess and duties to her people.

Amaya didn't want to be a princess or wanted any of the responsibilities of being a princess, she wanted to be free to be herself, free to be able to go outside of the castle walls.

She wanted to escape but she couldn't she was trapped within the castle of her parents not only that but her father had her room guarded with only the best guards possible there were even guards that guarded the castle gate, halls and the windows were always either boarded up or long thick black curtains covered the windows preventing even light from getting into the castle.

Amaya had to make a plan to escape but first she had to memorize the castle's layout but everytime she tried to escape or asked to walk through the halls the guards but they laughed at her and shoved her back into her room closing the doors swiftly yet quietly.

Amaya tried to open the windows but to no avail they were locked and boarded up or long thick black curtains covered the windows blocking any light from coming in at all.

Amaya tried asking if she can speak to her father but the guards told her that he was busy with his duties to his people so she asked if she could speak to her mother and the guards said to her that her mother is at another kingdom called Carcosa making an alliance with them in hopes to expand the kingdom.

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