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Ryu Mizuki her father and her mother Taiji Ereji Kamereon had plans to force their daughter Amaya Mizuki who is 18 years old into marrying Berufegoru-Ichori who is a demon king who is and originated from hell.

Five neighboring kingdoms are around where Berufegoru-Ichori originated are called Niflheim, Tartarus, Sheol, Duat, Shin' en, Baator and Carrasco in order to take control over but will the marriage be successful.

Taiji orders the guards to bring Amaya to the carriage after she is dressed where they are going to have her meet her husband.

After they had arrived to their destination both Taiji and Ryo tell Amaya to go by the castle gate where she meets Berufegoru-Ichori and he invites her into the castle.

After both Berufegoru-Ichori and Amaya are in the castle he grabs her by the wrist trying to drag her to his room but she tries to break free from his grasp.

She tries and succeeds in breaking free she starts to run away from him to try and get out of the castle but he start chasing after her where she then transforms into her second form and becomes more agile and faster than before leaving him behind as she escapes the castle.

He's running after her but he loses sight of her and decides to run back to his castle to get his guards and his midnight black horse to search for his soon wife.

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