Chapter Eighteen Part I

Start from the beginning

"That's me!" I let out awkwardly as I attempted to shake my head. Mak tilted his head to the side and I caught a flash of his own golden Assassins' ring.

"I thought that the stories about you were exaggerated until I lifted the tray to have my lunch," he continued. "I never met anyone daring enough to pull such a stunt. Are you really daring or do you just have a death wish?"

"Well," I started, my hand going to the pressure of his hand against my skull but he refused to unhand me. It stung very sharply. His eyes burrowed into mine and his breath became hotter. "If meeting you is a death wish then I guess I'm guilty of having one,"

His eyes narrowed further and the crushing pain began once more. I swore I couldn't move my legs.

"So you wanted to meet me and your way of achieving that was to leave your thong in my lunch?" His words came from the base of his throat. It was an angry bellow but a cold angry bellow.

"Well, you're here, aren't you? So my methods, despite unconventional does get the job done and you know that," I replied and once again, he tilted his head but I could tell that I had grabbed a hold of his attention. I ran with it. "Otherwise, you wouldn't be here, giving me the audience I sought for when I snuck that thong past the waiter, past two of your bodyguards directly to you. So call me daring or reckless, Mak but you're in my bedroom right now," I moved my finger to his open chest, the part that lacked the tie and was left bare by two unbuttoned buttons. "And for some reason, I'm not dead yet,"

He loosened his grip on my hair ever so slightly.

"I know what you're trying to do," He told me, his finger on my cheek relaxing and my finger played with the small yet prominent hair on his chest as I moved my other hand up the side of his neck. He visibly convulsed beneath my fingertips. I smiled.

"And is it working?" I retorted with a pout as I batted my eyelashes.

Mak didn't say anything, instead, he watched me while I didn't stop what I was doing. I couldn't afford to. I needed him to meet me and now that he finally did, I couldn't risk losing my opportunity by having him waltz out of this room as quickly as he waltzed in, or worse, by ending up dead.

If only his hand wasn't so strongly vested in my hair, I would have moved my face to his neck by now.

"What do you want?" He questioned me and again narrowed his eyes at me. My response was given by slowly unbuttoning the first button as sensually as I could manage under these conditions. He looked down at my hands but didn't stop me. "I'm not stupid, Raven. The drop-dead gorgeous blue-eyed, long-haired seductress attempting to use the very craft my organisation taught her against me, a classic irony isn't it?"

He chuckled. "All that's left now is for you to pull out that dagger that's poking out from your thigh and hold it to my neck which by the way, if you try that stunt, I won't hesitate to kill you!" suddenly, he gripped my hair harder from the back causing my head to forcefully tilt backwards so that our eyes were no longer locked and his breath was against my throat.

Yeah, cause I'm dumb enough to pull a dagger on the one man who could have me dead in two seconds with one snap of the neck? Yeah, no thanks Mak, I'm good.

"I wouldn't do that," I said in a whisper, my hands pulling at his suit to hold on to it.

"Of course you wouldn't. You're actually not stupid," he noted lowly and his breath was hot against my neck. "That's the only reason you're not dead yet,"

I giggled like a little girl, my hands moving to his hand against my skull, begging them to unhand me. Suddenly, he did and I fell back-first impactfully into my bed. When I sat up, I rubbed my skull. It ached mercilessly. By the moon, that man's grip was like the very jaws of death!

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