Chapter 29

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Kairis POV

One week later...

It is August 28th and it's our two month anniversary and today is the day that I'm gonna propose to Mika. I'm excited but nervous at the same time. I have something special planned for her and I'm just really excited.

Kairi: Hi Mika!

Mika: Hey what's up?

Kairi: I was thinking later do you want to go to the park for our anniversary?

Mika: Sure! What are we gonna do there?

Kairi: I was thinking about having a picnic But it won't be until night

Mika: At night?

Kairi: Yeah I want to have a picnic around dinner time. It's romantic

Mika: Ooh okay.

Mikas POV

I got dressed and I FaceTimed Jessie

Jessie: Hey girl!!

Mika: Heyyy!

Jessie: Whatcha doing today?

Mika: later like around night Kairi is taking me to the park and having a picnic for our two month anniversary

Jessie: Oh my god that's so cute!

Mika: I know I definitely looking forward to it.

Jessie: Well are you doing anything now?

Mika: No why

Jessie: Do you want to come over to my house and hang out for a little bit?

Mika: Sure! I got lots to tell you

Jessie: Ooh I can't wait!

Mika: What's your address again?

Jessie tells me her address

Mika: Thank you. I have go to a different direction now because I live at Kairis house now

Jessie: Omg you do?

Mika: Yeah but I'll tell you more when I get to your house

Jessie: Okay I'll see you then

Mika: Okay bye

Jessie: Bye

After I FaceTimed Jessie, I went downstairs and I see Kairi eating breakfast

Mika: Hey Kai!

Kairi: Hi baby

Mika: I'm actually gonna go to Jessie's house for a little bit and then i will be back

Kairi: Okay that's fine

Mika: See you later

Kairi: Bye!

I left and I drove to Jessie's house. I ring the doorbell and she answered

Jessie: Hi!

Mika: Hi!

Jessie: Come in!

I walked into her house and it felt so weird being here because I haven't been to her house in months

Mika: Wow it's forever since I've been here

Jessie: I know! Come to my room

Mika: Okay!

I walk into Jessie's room and I sat on her bean bag chair and she sat on her other bean bag chair and we started talking

Jessie: Soooo spill the tea. How did you and Kairi become a thing?

Mika: Well, it was the end of June, I was in town by myself and I was doing cartwheels in a parking garage for completely no reason and Kairi, Alejandro, and Mattia walk in and see me and I got embarrassed and then I was talking to them and Kairi offered me to come to his house and I said yes.

Jessie: That was sweet of him

Mika: Yeah and we hung out a bunch of times and then we even went to six flags together and he asked me out and of course I said yes. I was freaking out because I had a crush on him and it turns out that he liked me too and we started dating.

Jessie: That's great! How does it feel dating a TikToker?

Mika: It's good, he's just a normal teen you know. It's not like he's from La

Jessie:Yeah true. What else happened?

Mika: We went to each other's houses and then a month ago, I got into an argument with my brother and I decided to move out and live with Kairi.

Jessie: Omg

Mika: Yeah, I was originally gonna stay temporarily but my brother and his girlfriend just had there baby a few weeks ago and I decided to give my room to her and I decided to live with Kairi permanently

Jessie: That's sweet of you to do that. Also congrats on the baby.

Mika: Haha thank you.

We continued talking for an hour or two and then we ate lunch and then i drove back home

I walk into our room and I see Kairi playing video games and I tried calling him but he had his headset on

Mika: Kai! Kairi!

Mika: (man voice) HEY!

Kairi: Woah! You scared me

Mika: Well I'm back

Kairi: Hey how's was it?

Mika: It was good. Me and Jessie were talking a lot again.

Kairi: I can't believe you guys got from hating each other to now being besties again

Mika: Yeah I know but everything is good now

Kairi: Yeah

Robert: (on headset) Kai are you there?

Kairi: I gotta go, Mika just got back

Kairi: Sooo are you excited for later?

Mika: Totally! I'm ready

Kairi: Oh me too

Mika: Oh yeah, make sure you wear something nice this time.

Kairi: Okay I will .

A few hours later... it is 4:30 and we started getting dressed and then I went to the bathroom.

Kairis POV

I was texting the group chat about tonight

Jersey boys

Kairi: guys, meet at the park at 5:00 and hide

Mattia: Hide where?

Kairi:I don't fucking know. Somewhere where Mika can't see you

Alejandro: do you have the ring?

Kairi: yep

Mikas POV

I got out of the bathroom and I'm wearing the same skirt I wore to our first date and a white tank top and then we drove to the park.

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