Chapter 26

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Julians POV

A few hours later we got home from the hospital and Courtney is holding jada and we went inside and went upstairs and I walked by mikas room and I go in and the room was like empty. Except she still had her bed and dressers in there.

Julian: Wow, she actually left...

Courtney: I know. She did a nice thing for us

Julian: Yeah she did.

Julian: When did she have a hole in the wall?

Courtney: It doesn't matter, we can cover it up.

Jada started crying and Courtney was trying to calm her down.

Mikas POV

I got a text from Julian and he said that he is home with the baby.

Mika: Kairi!

Kairi: Yeah?

Mika: There home!

Kairi: Oh nice!

Mika: I want to see them

Kairi: Okay let's go!

We got into the car and we arrived to julians house and I open the door and Julian shushes us

Julian: (soft voice) The baby is sleeping

Mika: Can we see her?

Julian: Sure

We walk in and Courtney is holding Jada while she is sleeping and Courtney hands me the baby and I was holding her and Kairi was standing behind me looking at Jada. And then I let Kairi hold her.

Mika: (whispers) this is gonna be us soon

Kairi: Soon?

Mika: In a few years.

Kairi: Oh-

After Kairi held Jada, he handed her back to Courtney and she went upstairs so she can put jada in her crib.

Julian: Again Mika, I want to thank you for doing this for us.

Mika: Of course

I hugged Julian and then we sat at the table and ate dinner.

After that me and Kairi went back home and I took a shower and layed in bed with Kairi and he turns to me to ask me a question.

Kairi: Mika... can I ask you something?

Mika: Sure

Kairi: What did you mean by "this is gonna be us soon"?

Mika: Umm I don't know I-

Kairi: What is it?

Mika: I want us to get married

Kairi: (laughes) get married?! We've been dating for a month.

Mika: It feels longer than that but we've been in such a healthy relationship and I just can't wait. Like Julian and Courtney have been together for 3 years and they've been in a healthy relationship too. And I hope this happens to us too.

Kairi: You want kids with me? That's what you want?

Mika: No no! Not right now. In a few years.

Kairi: Oh okay good.

We both kissed each other and then we went to sleep.

Kairis pov

Two weeks later...
It is August 20th and I still can't get over the fact that Mika wants to "marry me". I haven't told the guys yet but I kinda want to. But I am seeing them today so it should be the perfect time to ask them.

Mikas POV

Me and Kairi are getting ready to go to Mattias house and I get a call from Julian.

Julian: Hey Mika

Mika: Hi what's up?

Julian: Is it okay if you come over today to like help out?

Mika: Um I was gonna go to mattias today but sure I'll come over

Julian: Thank you so much

Mika: Bye

Mika: Kairi, Julian wants me to do something at the house.

Kairi: Okay that's fine. I'll be at Mattias

Mika: Okay have fun

Kairis POV

I drove to Mattias house without Mika because I actually called Julian and told him to stall her for a few hours because I wanted to tell the guys about her wanting to marry me.

I arrived at Mattias house and they were all in the basement

Mattia: Ayyyeee Kairi!

Roshaun: What's uppp?

Kairi: It's been good

Alvaro: Where's Mika?

Kairi: She's with her brother right now. Oh yeah guys I gotta tell you something important.

Mattia: What is it?

Kairi: It's about Mika...

Robert: did something happen to her?

Kairi: What? No... she um- two weeks ago, she said that she wants to marry me

Mattia: Marry you? First of all, you've been dating for almost two months and second of all you're both 17

Kairi: I know that. She told me that because when we went to Julians house to visit the baby she told me that it was gonna be us soon and I didn't know what she meant by that and later she told me that she wants to marry me.

Mattia: Wow, I'm shocked but I think she's going to fast.

Alejandro: Mattias right

Kairi: I want her to be happy tho

Alvaro: But marriage is like the next level

Kairi: I don't know how I feel but I don't want to let her down.

Mattia: Again do you want to marry her?

Kairi: Um... I think

Mattia: Yes or no?

Kairi: Jeez yes!

Mattia: Okay then.

Kairi: But I want to get married after high school

Mattia: That's plenty of time. Let's go to the mall and buy her a ring

Kairi: Okay thank you for helping

Mattia: Anytime. we're here for you brother

We all got into the car and drove to the mall to get Mika a ring.

𝗢𝗻𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗝𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗲𝘆 𝗕𝗼𝘆𝘇||KairiWhere stories live. Discover now