Chapter 18

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Me and Kairi went upstairs to my room and I put on a different shirt

Kairi: I can't believe this is the girl that you told me about. I wasn't expecting her to be that scary

Mika: I'm not afraid of her

Kairi: I am

Mika: Well I'm fighting her and I'm gonna do Great.

Kairi: Umm I don't think you should tho

Mika: Why?

Kairi: I don't want you getting hurt.

Mika: I might get hurt but I'm used to the pain she has given me for example today at the mall-

Kairi: You got hurt?

Mika: No, I'm saying that- ah nevermind.

Kairi: Well don't stress over it too much

Mika: I'm not

Mika: Here, can you bring my shirt to the laundry room, I need to fix my hair.

Kairi: Oh okay

Kairi was holding my shirt and he was gagging and holding his nose

Mika: Kairi...

Kairi: WHAT? I hate ketchup

Mika: Ugh fine, I'll take it down.

After I took my shirt to the laundry room, I went back upstairs.

Kairi: Hey, I was wondering, is your pool clean?

Mika: I think so, why do you want to go swimming?

Kairi: Yeah but I don't have a bathing suit, I should go back to my house and get one.

Mika: No,don't do that. My brother has one that you can borrow.

Kairi: Okay, should I ask him?

Mika: Yeah, you go ask him and I'll change

Kairi goes downstairs to find Julian.

Kairi: Julian!

Julian: Yeah what's up?

Kairi: Me and Mika are gonna go in the pool, do you have a bathing suit that I can borrow?

Julian: Yeah I got one I'll be right back.

Julian goes to his room and gets a bathing suit

Julian: Here you go

Kairi: Thank you

I finished changing into my bikini. It is bright yellow. And I hear Kairi coming back upstairs and he knocks

Mika: Come in

He opens the door with his hand over his eyes.

Mika: I'm dressed

Kairi: Oh haha. Nice bikini

Mika: Thank you.

Mika: I'm gonna turn around and you can change

Kairi: Okay

I turn around facing the wall and Kairi is changing into his bathing suit and I decided to turn a little bit and he was completely naked and I immediately turned back around laughing.

Kairi: What's so funny?

Mika: Nothing!

Kairi: You can look now

I turn around and he's in a bathing suit and we go out in the backyard and went in the pool.

Mika: Ah it's cold!

Kairi: omg Mika, it's not even cold. You're overreacting

Mika: No I'm not

Kairi decides to splash me and I splashed him harder.

Kairi: AAAHH

We were laughing together and he grabbed me from behind and started kissing my neck.

Mika: Omg this is so much fun!

Kairi: I know!

Mika: I love you Kairi Cosentino

Kairi: And I love you Mika... uh what's your last name?

Mika: Lopez-

Kairi: Lopez. Mika Lopez

Mika: (giggles) oh yeah I forgot I have tubes in the garage I'm gonna get them.

I went to the garage and I grabbed two tubes for the pool and I threw them into the pool and we decided to lay on top of them and we looked up in the sky and looked at the stars.

Mika: This is nice

Kairi: I know

Kairi decided to go get a towel and come back into the pool and he went on my tube also since it fits two people and he layed down next to me and put the towel over us.

Mika: Thank you.

Kairi: You're welcome

We both kissed each other and then a few minutes later, I ended up falling asleep and Kairi fell asleep too.

A few hours later, it was getting windy and me forgetting I'm that I was still in the pool decided to move a lot and me and Kairi fell off the tube into the water and we both screamed.

Mika: Oh my god! Did we fall asleep?

Kairi: Yeah

Mika: What time is it?

Kairi: Holy shit! It's 9:30

Mika: WHAT? How's that possible? There's no way we were in here that long. Now we have to go inside and take a shower.

We both went inside and we went upstairs to take a shower. I showered first and then I got out and Kairi showered afterwards.

Mika: This was a fun day!

Kairi: I know. I should get going since it's getting late.

Mika: Can I come too?

Kairi: Sure

I packed my stuff and we went into Kairis car and he drove back to his house. And then we went into his room and I jumped into his bed I put the blanket over myself and then Kai was drying his hair and then he took off his shirt and got into bed too laying next to me.

Mika: Good night Kai

Kairi: Good night baby

We were still laying down and I just couldn't sleep and I didn't know why

Mika: (whispers) Kai

Kairi: Yeah?

Mika: I can't sleep

Kairi: Just close your eyes

Mika: Can you hug me so I can feel comfortable?

Kairi: Sure anything for you

Kairi put his arms around me and I kissed his forehead and I started to fall asleep.

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