Chapter 22

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I go back into my room and I see that Mika is still crying so I went on the bed and I hugged her so tight

Mikas POV

I was hugging Kairi and then I stopped crying for a little bit.

Mika: I need to go to sleep.

Kairi: Okay, but do you want to change and take your makeup off first?

Mika: No

Kairi: Okay

I went to sleep and Kairi layed next to me

The next morning...

I wake up and I have mascara all over my face and Kairi is getting dressed.

Kairi: Good morning Mika

Mika: Hi

Kairi: Are you okay?

Mika: I'm fine now. I'm just tired because I cried so much last night

Kairi: oh I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Come to the bathroom with me.

Mika: I'm too tired

Kairi: Okay, I'll go get wipes and I'll help you get the mascara off your face

Mika: Okay

Kairi comes back from the bathroom with wipes and he puts his hand on my chin and he starts wiping the mascara off my face

Kairi: There, I got it all off

Mika: Thanks

I kissed him and I tried to get out of bed but I fell off

Kairi: (laughs) Baby, what are you doing?

Mika: I tried to get out of bed

Kairi: You're being silly. I'll help you up.

I got up and I started getting dressed and then I realized that I needed more stuff from my house.

Mika: Ugh, i need to get more stuff from my house, but I don't want to associate with Julian.

Kairi: Do you want me to get your stuff?

Mika: Sure thank you

Kairis POV

I drove to mikas house and I ring the doorbell and Julian answers

Julian: Hey Kairi

Kairi: Hi, I'm just getting some of mikas stuff

Julian: Um okay

I go into mikas room and I grab some of her clothes and some of her other things and I decided to look around in her room for a little bit and I went through some of her drawers and I look in one of them and there were pictures in it. There's the Polaroid we took together, there was a picture of her and the girls that were mean to her but Mika drew over there Faves with red marker and there were some other pictures of her and the last picture I found was her when she was a baby with her parents. I kinda got emotional because I knew how much she misses them and she went through so much throughout the years and no one cared which breaks my heart. After I looked through that, I grabbed a few more things and I went to the car and put them all in and drove back home

Mikas POV

I hear Kairi coming upstairs with my stuff.

Kairi: Hey Mika, is this good?

Mika: That's perfect

Kairi puts my stuff on his bed and I see Kai stiffing his nose

Mika: Are you okay?

Kairi: Yeah I'm fine

Mika: Is there a place that I can put my clothes?

Kairi: I'll make room in the closet

Mika: Okay good

While we were putting my clothes away, I get a voicemail from an unknown number.

Mika: Someone left me a voicemail

Kairi: Who is it?

Mika: I don't know it's a no caller id

I click on the voicemail and it was Jessie

Jessie: Hey Mika, you know how I said the fight will be on Saturday? Well it's not. It's gonna be tonight at 7 in the parking garage. Be there.


Kairi: What?!




I get up and I start practicing punching

Kairi: What are you doing?

Mika: I'm practicing, and now I need to do tackles too. Can you help practicing tackling with me?

Kairi: Um sure I guess, let's go downstairs

We go downstairs and we put mats on the floor and we were getting ready.

Kairi: I'm gonna go easy because I don't want to hurt you and you do all the tackling

Mika: Okay

Kairi: Ready, set... go!

I run to Kai and I jump on him and tackle him to the ground

Kairi: Ow ow

Mika: What? What happened?

Kairi: Oww, my shoulder

Mika: Oh my god... I'm so sorry!

I got up and I was hugging Kairi and I helped him up too.

Mika: I feel bad

Kairi: Don't worry about it. And this is the pain Jessie will get too so, don't feel bad when you hurt Jessie.

Mika: Okay, here is get you some ice and you go sit on the couch

Kairi: Okay

I go to the freezer and I got ice and put it in a little baggy and I gave it to Kai to put on his shoulder

Mika: How do you feel?

Kairi: I'm fine thank you.

Mika: Again I'm sorry about the shoulder

Kairi: (laughs) it's okay! Don't worry about it.

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