Chapter 8

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It is Thursday morning and I wake up I ate breakfast and then I decided to continue watching shameless on Netflix.

Kairis POV

I am at mattias House and we are chilling in the basement

Mattia: sooo how are you and Mika doing?

Kairi: we're good

Alejandro: sooo do you like her?

Kairi: dude I already told you that I like her as a friend.

Alejandro: I'm telling she's got a crush on you

Kairi: no she doesn't what do you mean?

Alejandro: She. Likes. You.

Kairi: how do you know she does? Prove it

Alejandro: fine I'll FaceTime her

Mika's POV

I'm laying in bed and I got a FaceTime call from Alejandro. I wasn't expecting that

Mika: Hey Alejandro what's up?

Alejandro: yooo

Mika:oh you're hanging out with everyone

Alejandro: Yeah we're at. Mattias

Mika: oh nice

Alejandro: so, my boy kairi wants to know... if you have a little crush on him?

My heart was beating fast

Mika: my brother is calling me I gotta go. Bye

I immediately hang up

Kairis POV

Alejandro: yooooo she does like you

Kairi: she never said that.

Robert: dude it's obvious, her brother never called her she hung up because she knows that she as to admit it

Kairi: you guys made her nervous

Alejandro: Yeah right

Kairi: stfu ale you're so annoying sometimes

Mikas POV


Mika: omg omg omg

Skipping to Saturday...

It is the day I go to six flags, I put on a tee shirt and shorts with sneakers and Kairi is coming to pick me up

I get a text from Kairi saying "here" and I ran downstairs to the car.

Julian: have fun!

Mika: thanks!

I went in the car and kairi is driving and Mattia is in the passenger seat.

Kairi: Hey Mika!

Mika: hi! Where's everyone else?

Mattia: they're in Roberts car

Mika: ohh okay.

It was a long drive so I lied down and took a nap.

Mattia: (whispers) yo she's sleeping

Kairi: I know

Mattia decided to reach his arm to me while I'm sleeping and I felt his arm tickling my nose and I accidentally sneezed.

Mattia: EWW

Kairi: (soft voice) bless you

Mika: thank you. Sorry about that Mattia

Mattia: eh it's fine...

A few minutes later, we arrive at six flags and the other guys are already here.

Mattia: Yooo who's ready?

Alejandro: Me!

Robert: Yo Mika, are you going on scary rides?

Mika: Yeah! Of course. Where should we go first?

Alejandro: let's go on Batman

Mika: Okay! Let's go!

We all went on the Batman ride. I sat on the end with kairi, and Alejandro. And Mattia, Roshaun, and Robert sat behind us. We were screaming on the rides and I decided to scream so loud and kairi was laughing because of my scream.

After the ride we walked to the another ride.

Kairi: Yooo did you guys hear mikas scream?

Roshaun: The people on the back of the rollercoaster heard Mika scream

We all laughed

Mika: We should go on Kingda Ka.

Mattia: YES I'm going on that

We walked all the way to kingda ka.

Robert: Mika are you nervous?

Mika: Nope. I'm going on kingda ka.

Alejandro: You guys can go. I'm gonna wait here

Roshaun: Yeah me too. That looks scary as shit.

Mika: Aw you guys are scared

Kairi: Let's get on line.

I went on kingda ka with Kairi, Robert, and Mattia. Alejandro and Roshaun didn't want to go on tho. We got to our seats and I sat next to kairi and Mattia and Robert sat behind us.

Kairi: Are you ready Mika?


I started to have a panic attack

Mattia: Yo Mika breathe!

Robert: I think she's having a panic attack

Kairi: Mika are you okay?

Mika: (panicking) I've never done this before. I'm scared

Kairi: You don't have to do this if you don't want to.


Kairi: Okay!

The ride was starting to move and then I was panicking so much that I starting crying hysterically. And then the ride went off full speed and I was screaming like I was getting murdered or something.


The ride was over and we got off the ride and I was crying so much because I got so scared.

Kairi: Omg are you crying?

Mika: That was the scariest ride I've ever been on


Kairi: mhm Mattia (points at Mika)

Mattia: Oh, Mika are you okay?

Mika: I need to sit for awhile.

Mattia: Okay that's fine, do you want to get food?

Mika: Sure

We got off of line and Robert had his arm around me and then we met up with Alejandro and Roshaun.

Alejandro: How was it?

Kairi: The ride was fun but Mika got scared

Alejandro: Oh next time you can join us

Mika: Whatever, I'm hungry.

Robert put his other arm around me hugging me and then we walked to the diner and ordered food and then we got tables and ate our food.

Mika: Damn I still can't believe that I went on kingda ka.

Alejandro: At least you went on.

Mika: Yeah true but never again haha

𝗢𝗻𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗝𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗲𝘆 𝗕𝗼𝘆𝘇||KairiWhere stories live. Discover now