Part 20 💤Aftermath💤

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Anyone remember Maddox from chapter 13? Well apparently he's a TommyInnit stan. If he's reading this, lul mcdonalds hairline boy.

"It seems pretty obvious what happened here. We'll take this man into custody. If we have any further suspicions we'll contact you." The police officer says.

I look at Phil, my eyes darting around. The police pack up the body and leave, leaving the group somewhat in shock.

We all stay still. I'm unsure of what to do, or how to act. That tree is sounding real nice right now.

"Let's head home." Phil says, finally breaking the silence.

"Good idea." Techno says. He kneels down in front of me as everyone starts to walk. "Want me to carry you?"

I skeptically nod, reaching my arms towards Techno. He picks me up, carrying me on his arms, while I snuggle my head into his shoulder.

We proceed back to Phil's house, seeing Bad and Tubbo together, Bad soothing Tubbo.

I jump down from Techno's arms giving Tubbo a big hug.

"I'm so sorry Tubbo." I whisper. He hugs me tighter.

"Tubbo, Tommy, do you want to talk?" Phil asks. "It can be with any of us, but if you need to vent or anything, we're here."

Tubbo looks at me, and then looks down, shaking his head.

I look at Techno. I don't want to talk, but I want to be with them. I don't know why. It's not like a fully trust them, I haven't known them for long. I just want a hug. Why am I like this!? I only used to be dependent on Tubbo, and now I'm aching to be with these bitches. Except Sapnap.

But I'll go with Tubbo.

I walk back to our room, locking the door behind us.

Tubbo starts bawling, immediately crawling under the covers. I get into bed with him, stroking his hair, whispering words of encouragement every now and then, until I hear soft snores come from him.

I slowly place his head on the pillow, leaving the bed and the room. I silently creep through the hallway, hearing hushed voices.

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"So what do we do now?" Someone says.

"It's bullshit. We need to sue." Someone else says.

"Language!" Bad whisper yells. Even in my state, it takes all of my power not to snicker.

"Let's let this settle. Maybe Tommy and Tubbo should decide. This is their thing after all." Someone else says. I mentally thank them.

"They are kids! Children! I'm not saying they can't make these decisions but they shouldn't have too." Someone, I think Wilbur says.

"Wilbur, this isn't your decision to make." Phil says.

"Me and Techno are 19! If anyone should know about this is, it's us, we were the ones in the foster system."

"Wil, I'm going to have to side with Phil. This is up to them." Techno says.

I can feel some form of shock without even looking. I know that my presence could end this argument, but it's not like me to drop in like this.

"Techno?" Wilbur says, exasperated. I feel bad for him. What if Tubbo did that to me?

"Wil-" Phil starts, but I hear Wilbur storm upstairs.

Phil sighs. "Let's let this settle for a bit. Schlatt, Quackity, Sapnap, I know you have to leave tomorrow. We'll keep you in the loop. As for everyone else, let's all settle down for the night."

Some sounds of general agreement full the silence of the room, and some moving around. I decide to walk in now.

As soon as I walk in,  everyone stops. I can feel every pair of eyes on me.

"Hey Tommy! How're you feeling!" Phil exclaims, putting on his best smile.

I slowly look around the room.

"I appreciate the thought, but you don't need to meddle in the affairs of me and Tubbo's past." I say. The room goes completely stiff, people darting their eyes around the room.

I stay still, hands in my pockets, waiting for a response.

"Tommy-" Schlatt starts, but Bad cuts him off.

"Sorry Tommy. We're just worried. We'll try to respect your wishes."

I look at Schlatt. "What were you going to say?" I ask him.

He looks at me, and then at Phil, before shrugging.

"Tommy, we are going to be involved in your lives, whether you like it or not. Get used to it." He says.

I look at him, feeling the anger become apparent on my face. "Excuse me?"

He looks back with matching intensity, our eyes locked onto each other, mine with hate, his with some concern and smugness.

"You heard me." He says.

"I heard some fuckin' bullshit." I respond, taking a step forward.

"Language!" Bad yells.

"Why don't we all calm down." Phil requests, using his hands to gesture us 'calming down.'

"How about you all stop acting like you care and just fucking admit it." I snarl. "You have some sort of debt to my parents, right? Or your in it for the money or something? You looking to show off your two reformed children to the P.T.A or something?"

"No." Techno states.

"Tommy. I swear on my life that we care about you. Regardless of your parentage. We fostered you because we want you to be happy and healthy boys. We will see that future through." Phil says, kneeling down before me.

I look down at him, and look up at Schlatt.

"No. No, no, no. It's bullshit. It has to be bullshit!" I yell. I feel like I'm breaking into pieces and desperately trying to put myself back together.

"Tommy, it's not-" Eret starts, but I cut him off.

"Sh-sh-shut up! Stop it! Stop staring at me!" I yell, pushing my hands forward, creating a personal space bubble and pushing Phil out of it.

I shut my eyes tight, unsure of what to do. I can't move, I'm so... I feel so destroyed.

I feel a pair of familiar arms wrap around me. Techno gives me a hug, giving me a burst of energy. But instead of falling into the familiar kind arms of my brother, I push him away, surprising everyone. With my energy, I run back into my room, locking the door. I can hear breathing behind it, but choose to focus on the sleeping Tubbo.

yoooooooo. plugged the one shots book real early to catch your attention. i'm sorry it took so long to get the chapter out, I wasn't in my groove for the week. does anyone feel like they don't have a yellow? things have been tough lately. mental health 0. drink water, take your meds, sleep, shower, eat something, take care of yourself. any progress is progress, and i'm proud of you. also shoutout to my friend. she asked what terms I liked (like gender mer neutral adjectives and such) and then aggressively complimented me and told me to take care of myself.

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