Chapter Eighteen - The Fire Bird

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We found a cave after following Capricorn for a couple of days. It looked eerie so I decided to enter it myself and only I will go in. I took a couple of steps in front of my friends and I turned to them.

"Are we all going in?" Aquarius asked

"No, just me."

"Why?" Virgo asked

"So if I get hurt, you guys can fight whatever hurt me. I don't want all of us to get hurt and not be able to help each other. I'd rather me go since I don't have much to live for anyway"

I turned back to the cave and then entered it before they could protest against me about my choice. It got really dark as I got deeper. I could barely see anything. All I heard was my own footsteps and cave noises. I grabbed my cloak and held onto it tight. I was nervous and a little scared.

I saw a light at the end of the cave soon after. I kept walking. Once I walked out of the cave, I saw my friends. What? How? I turned back around and ran through it this time but the same thing happened. I ended up back with my group of friends. How the hell is this happening?

"So? Anything?" Gemini asked

"That is so weird"

"What is weird?"

"I just walked and ran straight through it. There were no turns, but I still ended back at you guys"

"Then, let's go in together. Maybe the cave knows that there are more people here"

How would a cave now there are more people? I shrugged it off and we went in together. This time, we walked in darkness a lot longer than I did when I was alone. I felt like something was off but I could just be paranoid. I don't know anymore. I have given up on trying to figure out my feelings. 

We were able to see light at the end of the cave after a while of walking in the dark. As we got closer to the light, I saw small islands but there wasn't any water around them. As we exited the cave, the islands were floating and they had rives running off of them and down into a big river on a big island. 

All of us were amazed by it. We've never seen anything like this. It was really cool. I turned around to look back at the cave but it wasn't there. I grabbed onto Cancer's sleeve and shook it a little bit. She turned her head to look at me and looked at where I was looking.

"What's wrong?" she asked and everyone had their attention on us

"There cave is gone"

Everyone looked at where we came from and they seem to see it too. All thee is a field with flowers. There is no river like the other floating islands. Wait, this is a floating island as well. How are we going to get down? I turned around to look over the edge of the island and see that we could jump and land into the river but we don't know how deep it is. Then I thought of something.

I looked at Aquarius, Cancer, and Pisces and asked them, "Can you three use your powers to get us down?"

"What do you mean?" Cancer asked

"Like use the water to make a slid or something to get us down"

"We can try"

"As long as you can try, that is enough" 

I smiled at them to try to encourage them. The three of them started to gather up energy. The rest of us just stood back and watched. They summoned water and mend it into something that you can just slide or ride down on. They made it longer.

They gave us an signaled to tell us that we can go down now. One after another, we slid down the water slide. Gemini went first then Virgo, Leo, Aries, Capricorn, Taurus, Saggitarius, and then Scorpio. I noticed that they were getting tired. I decided not to slide down so they can take a break.

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