Chapter Fifteen - Human? Nope

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I jumped from my seat and lost my balance next to the fire. I thought I was going to fall into the fire but an arm wrapped itself around my waist and pulled me away. I am now in his arms. I am in Aaron's arms! I looked up at him and my chin is touching his chest. He looked down at me. I felt his hand on my cheek and he ran his thumb underneath my eye. He wiped a tear away.

"Why are you crying?" he asked

I pushed him enough to where I'm not in his arms anymore. I wiped another tear. He put his hands on my shoulders and I looked up at him, surprised. He was being gentle and that isn't like him. He stared into my eyes with concern written all over his face. 

"I'm fine, Aaron. You should leave"

"Why should I leave?"

"Because you're not needed here. We have a long journey ahead of us"  I told him as I sat back down on the tree stump.

"Where are you going?" He asked as he squatted down in front of me

"None of your business"

I stared down at my fingers, which are fidgeting. He put his right hand on my hands and I looked up at him. He is smiling and I don't like it. He leaned toward me again. I leaned back as he leaned forward. I eventually fell back and hit my head against the ground. He climbed on top of me. He quickly stole a quick peck on my lips. I put my hand underneath his chin and pushed his head up. I used my knee to knee him in the balls and I pushed him off of me.

I got up from the ground and went to talk to run but he grabbed my ankle. I fell to the ground again. I'm probably going to make friends with the ground tonight. He pulled my ankle and I was being dragged toward him. I turned my body as I was being dragged and once I was close enough to his face, I kicked it. He let go of me. I immediately got up and ran. I know that he won't go after the zodiacs, that is why I ran. He wants me, not the others.

I didn't really make it far since he was in front of me in a split second after I ran. I bump into him and fell back. And again, he caught me before I could completely fall. This time, he held onto me tightly. I tried to get out of his grip but he is strong. I looked up and see a reflection up in the sky. 

"I put a barrier up so you don't escape from me again," He said

I looked back at him and he had horns. The horns that lay upon his head were small but the ends were pointy so he could hurt someone with them. He flashed me a smirk and I saw that two of his teeth were sharp. He swiped his tongue across his teeth while he still had that smirk.

I looked down at my waist since I felt something poking my waist. His fingernails were long and sharp. I looked back up at him. I heard muffled voices to my left. I turned my head and see everyone by the fire and banging on the barrier that Aaron put up. I grabbed Aaron's hand that is on my waist and was able to push it away. I quickly ran over to my friends.

I banged on the barrier as well. I looked at what was Leo's hands and it was my cloak. Oh no. I continued to bang on the barrier. Even though I'm right in front of them, their voices are muffled. Then they started to point behind me. I was confused as to why but then realized why when a pair of hands grabbed my hips and pulled me back. I put my hands on top of the hands and held on.

My back met a chest and I didn't like that. The hands that are on my hips spun me around and now I'm facing Aaron again. I am trying to figure out what he was. I thought back to him with the black smoke and try to link it with the horns, fangs, and long sharp fingernails. Then it clicked. I stared into his eyes that were white but now they are red.

"You're a demon?"

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

Now I'm scared of him. But what I don't get as to why he still is hung up on me? Shouldn't he have found someone else to like by now? I felt his nail dig into my waist and I yelped a little. He reacted to my yelp by loosening his grip on me. I turned my head to see my friends banging on the barrier still and are yelling. I heard Aaron sighed and then he disappeared. 

I ran over to my friends. I saw a figure behind Aries who was picking some of the cloaks up. I pointed at Aries and they turned around. They all ran to Aries and was able to get her away from the figure. I was able to make out who it was. It was Aaron. Really? He is keeping me in here! 

I punched the barrier this time and something chipped. My fists and wrist hurt but when I noticed that the barrier chipped a little, I kept punching and hitting the barrier in the same spot. As I kept hitting and punching the weak spot, Aaron disappeared again.  

Only a second later, hands grabbed my wrists and pulled me away from the weak spot. I looked up at his eyes and he was pissed. He looked down at my knuckles and his eyes soften. My knuckles are scratched up and bleeding, which I didn't even notice. I looked at the weak spot and see blood on the barrier. 

I felt something lick my knuckles. I looked over and see that Aaron is licking my blood off of my knuckles. That is disgusting. I tried to pull my hands away but he held onto them. I heard my friends' voices clearly now. 

"Libra! What the hell is happening?!" Sagittarius asked

"Get out of here! Aaron is a demon!" I yelled at them.

"No, we're not leaving you!" Cancer yelled

They should just leave and go kill the Phoenix. I pulled my hands away from Aaron. I looked down to see that my knuckles are healed. What? H-how? I looked at Aaron and he is smiling. His smile irks me. I quickly kicked him in the gut and he stumbled back. I ran to the weak spot and did a flying kick to it. 

With that kick, the barrier shattered like glass. Virgo caught me in the air. Leo immediately put my cloak on me. I thanked him and we ran off. All of us ran as fast as we could. We don't want to be near Aaron anymore. I didn't even look back. I didn't want to. 

After a while of running, we eventually stopped to catch our breaths. We ran so long that the sun is now rising. I never thought I would be scared of Aaron but here I am, trembling from fear that he will appear out of nowhere. I really don't want to see him anymore. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I snapped my head.  It was only Sagittarius. I wrapped my arms around his torso and dug my head into his chest. 

He had one hand on the back of my head and the other on my back. He is resting his chin on the top of my head, even though he had to lean a tiny bit. He patted my head as he kept that I'll be alright. I held onto him tightly and hopefully, I'm not hurting him.

We're Different | Rewrite | 🗸Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora