Chapter Sixteen - His Enemy

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We are walking to continue our journey to kill the Phoenix. We got to the end of a hill and we see a village that belongs to another kingdom. We walked toward it since we were going to go through it anyway. It looked peaceful and hopefully, it is. 

As we walked through the village, people were surprised. Almost everyone person gasped when they saw us. I kept hearing, "Oh my Zodiac!", "It's the Zodiac Children!", "They look so cool", "Look, it's Libra and Scorpio," "There's Capricorn, the prince of the Zodiac Kingdom", "It's Taurus!" People kept making comments but they were positive.

In the distance, I saw a tavern. I pointed it out to everyone they immediately ran to it. With all of the running we did, we had disgusted our fish from last night and we are hungry again. I just walked to the tavern. I walked to look at my surroundings since I've never been here. As I walked through the village, I felt like I was being watched. Sure, people are staring at me but that is because they aren't following, they are just amazed at a zodiac in the flesh. 

I felt something off a little. I looked around to see if I catch the person is following me but I didn't see anything. And I don't feel the eyes on me anymore. I changed my direction back to the tavern. I opened the doors and walked in. I see my friends sitting at differents tales since there are many of us. Some of them already have drinks. 

That's when I felt the eyes again. I quickly turned my head and I could still feel them. Where the hell is the person? Then I felt a gush of the cold wind, like someone past me but nobody is near me. I'm not liking this. This is creeping me out. I walked over and sat next to Aquarius. 

A little after, I smelled something. Like something is burning. I got up from my seat and headed to the exit of the tavern. Once I opened the doors, there it was. A big ass fire. I turned around and looked at my friends.

"Guys! We have a problem"

They got up from their seat and ran to me. Pisces opened the door and everyone can see the fire. Aquarius, Pisces, and Cancer immediately ran out to the fire. The rest of us followed them out. Then they used their power. The three of them had summoned water and aimed the water at the fire. I felt those eyes again. I followed where the feeling of the eyes watching me getting stronger.

When I was far away from my friends, the fire quickly surrounded me. Oh great. Now I'm stuck. I heard my friends calling out for me. I just told them to take the fire out and not worry about me. But once I said that, the fire turned black. I was startled by that. I didn't expect that.

I felt hands on my waist for a split and I immediately thought of Aaron. I was scared now. I turned my head but I don't see him. I looked around and saw no one. Where the hell is he? What does he want now? I started to shake from fear.

Then I saw my parents and brother in the black fire. No, that isn't them. They're dead. This is a trick that he playing. A trick that I want to murder him for. He should know how much it hurts me but then again, he is a demon. I turned around and there he was. 

"Aaron, stop it! This isn't funny"

"But... it is"

My emotions started to roam around and I didn't like that. My cloak and hair were being blown up a little bit and I saw red. I see the balance scale pole from a couple of days ago. When I was in the throne room to help my friends. The sharp point is facing Aaron. His expression was a little funny because I didn't think he expected this.

I grabbed the pole and my vision went back to normal and there was no wind blowing at my hair or cloak.  Was that what I really needed to do? Just grab the pole when that happened. I examined the pole. It was silver as the scale was in gold. I looked at Aaron. He started to move toward me.

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