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Riley comes and picks Blake up after breakfast. I need to call a doctor. I have no idea how far along I am. It can't be too long. But why do I have a bump? It doesn't make any sense and I've been on birth control since I got here. Well, let's hope that the doctor can figure this out. I'm so nervous when I called the doctor's office. My hands are shaking. Hero looks at me and I know that this is breaking his heart. He can't stand it but instead of putting his head in the sand, he does something about it. He takes the phone from my hands. "I'll make the call." He says.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. It's no problem, babe."

"Thanks." He put the phone to his ear and took a seat beside me. I lean against his shoulder.

"Hey, I'm calling because we just found out that my wife is pregnant."

He listens to what the reception says.

"When was your last period?" He looks at me. "I don't know. I haven't had one in like six months." His eyes go wide.

"She hasn't had any in the last six months but she was sexually abused when she was 12. When she was at the doctor's after that, they told her that she most likely can't get pregnant and if she got pregnant, she might not be able to carry full term."

He listens again.

"Okay. Yeah, that would be great. Thank you, bye"

He hung up and looked at me. "We got an appointment today at noon. So you have to get dressed and we need to leave."

"Okay." I stand up and walk inside the closet and try to figure out what to wear. Hero smiles when I walk out. "Mmm, you look hot, baby."

"Thank you." He kisses me and takes my hand as we walk downstairs to my car. "Want me to drive?" He asks. "Yeah. I can't focus."

"Okay, babe. Jump in." The ride feels like forever and I can barely talk. I'm so nervous. Hero puts his hand on my thigh. I put my hand over his.

We're in the waiting room at the doctor's office. My mind is going crazy. I shake my leg and bite my nails. Hero put his arms over my shoulders and pull edme closer to him. "Calm down, babe. It's going to be okay. I'll be here every step of the way."

"I know. I...I...just." I can't talk. Tears are threatening behind my eyelids. "Weston Knox?" The doctor calls.

"That's me." She smiles and holds out her hand. "I'm Dr. Bree." We shake hands with her and follow her inside her office. We take a seat by her desk. She put her hands on the desk and smiled. "Well, first of all, congratulations." She says. "Thanks" We both say in unison. She smiles and looks through her papers.

"So I read your medical journal. Your husband told us you were abused when you were 12 and that the examiner told you that you most likely couldn't conceive a child?"

"Yeah. That's what they told me, or if I managed to get pregnant I probably couldn't carry it long term."

"I'm so sorry but I'll examine you if you're okay with that and then we can go from there but first, let's take a look."

"Okay." She put some blue stuff on my belly. She furrowed her eyebrows when she sees the little bump I have and so does Hero. She puts the reader at my lower abdomen and we hear a heartbeat right away. Oh, my fucking god! I think I'm gonna pass out. "Is that?"

"Your baby's heartbeat, yes."

"Oh." I look at Hero. He wipes away his tears and squeezes my hand. He smiles. "It looks like you're about 15 weeks."

"What?" I asked, shocked. "Yes. Haven't you noticed any symptoms?" She asks. " Well, I had a scare a few weeks ago but I did like five tests and they all came back negative and just the other week I started to throw up again. So I did a new test yesterday and then it was positive."

"Okay. I need to draw some blood and make a full examination of you. Something is up. It could be your hormonal level. It could be several things. I'll run your results by my boss."

"Okay." All I say. "But your baby looks healthy and has a strong and steady heartbeat. Do you want a picture?"

"Um, I guess."

"Yes, we do." Hero says. I'm so confused right now. If I'm 15 weeks pregnant, he got me pregnant on our wedding night. What a cliché right but something inside me makes me feel excited. "Here you go."

"Thank you." I say. "You're more than welcome. Well, I'll draw some blood and then if you feel comfortable with it. I want to examine you."

"You mean down there?" I point to my core. "Yes."

"I guess it's for the best."

"Yes. It is and it's for your own good, and of course your baby's."

"Okay. You can do the examination but no guy doctor."

"Of course." She walks out to gather a few things. I look at Hero. "You okay, babe?"

"Yes. I'm better than okay. These are happy tears. You know what this means, don't you?"

"No JD or beer and no cigarettes." Hero chuckles. "Yes, that's right but that wasn't what I meant."


"I got you pregnant around our wedding." He says. "Yes. You did. I just didn't understand, I took the shots before I left prison. They're usually active for a year."

"I just got very powerful swimmers, babe." he chuckles. "Haha...very funny but I guess you're right."

"So do you want to tell anyone?" He asks. "Riley knows. She was with me when I did the tests and of course I want Vince and Seth to know. It's their niece or nephew."

"Of course and I know just how we should tell them." He says. "I'm all ears." The doctor comes back with a tray. She draws blood. She's like a vampire, taking all my blood away. I feel empty. "I'll leave this at the lab later and I'll call you about the results and we should make a new appointment in about two weeks."


"So are you ready for a gynecology examination?" She asks. "Can you ever be ready for that?" She chuckles. "Fair enough."

"I'm ready." I say. "Okay put this gown on and lay on the stretcher. I'll be back in a few minutes. Okay?"

"Okay. Thank you." She nods and leaves the room again. I change and lay down on the stretcher. Hero takes my hand. He brings it to his mouth and kisses my knuckles. I'm nervous as hell but as long as he's by my side, I can do anything.

Our Hearts Beats as one (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now