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Ricky is worried about Nini.

As soon as everyone got to the locker room, EJ announced to the team that he and Gina will be crowned as Homecoming royalty tonight.

In other words, that got the team talking about Gina cheering at the game tonight.

Ricky texted Nini to warn her that Gina will likely be at her practice and there during the game, but she didn't seem surprised.

He wishes he could be there with her through it all, but he knows they have to be with their teams.

It's now nearing halftime, and, sure enough, Gina is here.

"Alright, my Homecoming nominees, you will be doing the parade and immediately reporting back to center field to perform. After our performance, you can head back to the announcement of royalty on the track," Jen orders to Nini and Gina.

The girls nod, showing they understand before Jen lets them go off to their positions in the parade.

The girls and guys have been randomly selected to ride together in convertibles on the track in the parade, and Nini happens to be paired with Ricky. Nini is fairly certain this is because the student council knows they're dating.

Gina was paired with EJ — surprise, surprise.

"Hey, Princess," Ricky greets her with a hug and kiss on the head as they reach each other.

"Hey," Nini smiles back.

"You ready for your halftime performance?" He asks.

Nini nods, leaning into him. "You're doing well tonight."

"Thank you, Ni. I just wish the score would show it better."

"We're winning," Nini looks up to him with a slight laugh.

"Well, yeah, but..." Ricky lets out a breath. "We just, should be farther ahead than we are."

Nini reaches her arms up to loop around his neck, locking his gaze onto hers. "Stop being an overachiever for five seconds to be proud of yourself. You're winning. You've got this."

Ricky closes his eyes, resting his forehead to hers. "Thank you, Ni."

Nini nods ever so slightly as Ricky used his pointer finger to tilt her head up towards his, kissing her.

They break apart, smiling.

"Alright, lovebirds. Get into your car, please," one of the student council heads orders them.

Nini giggles, hopping up to sit on the edge of the backrest of the back seat. Ricky follows close behind her, doing the same, draping his arm across her waist with his hand resting on her hip.

They go through the motions of the parade, smiling and waving to the crowd in the bleachers. Once they get all the way around the field, Ricky and Nini's car stops in the center, Ricky hopping out and holding his hand out for Nini to do the same.

Nini confusedly looks around, but lets him help her down anyway.

"Just trust me," Ricky leans down to whisper in her ear as he leads her towards center field where the football team has now lined up, each of them holding a flower.

He leaves her facing him as someone hands him a microphone.

"Hey everybody! Not sure if you know me, but I'm Ricky Bowen." Ricky announces.

The crowd cheers, clearly knowing who he is.

Nini holds her hands to her cheeks, already embarrassed, but smiling nonetheless.

"This, here, is the most beautiful girl in the world, also known as Nini Salazar-Roberts. I just so happen to be lucky enough to call her my girlfriend," Ricky continues. He turns to face Nini. "Ni, you're already my Princess. Will you let me be your Prince Charming at Homecoming tomorrow?"

Nini laughs, shaking her head. "Of course I will, you crazy."

"Care to tell the audience?" Ricky raises his eyebrows goofily.

Nini rolls her eyes playfully, walking towards him. "Never in a million years," she laughs into the mic before leaning in to cup his face and kiss him.

The crowd cheers as they kiss. Nini normally isn't one for PDA, but this one? Worth it.

The football players whoop from behind her, running towards them with their flowers and balloons, tossing flowers at their feet.

Nini laughs towards the sky in Ricky's embrace before hiding her face in his chest, glad he took off his pads for the parade.

Soon after, they are all rushed off the field to prepare for halftime performances, where Nini gives her royalty sash to Ricky before she joins her team at center field.

The routine runs perfectly, which Nini knows will make Jenn happy. Thank God for no cardio drills at practice on Monday as repercussions.

With that, the two nominated cheerleaders head back to the stage set up closer to the track, getting their sashes back on and lining up with the rest of the court.

Ricky slips the sash over Nini's head. "For you, Princess."

Nini laughs, leaning up to give him a quick kiss. "Thank you for the Homecoming ask. It was perfect."

"You deserve the world, Ni. That's the least I could do."

As soon as Ricky finishes talking, the are rushed to their slots on the stage, Nini next to the other princesses facing the home team's bleachers.

"Welcome, East High student body!" The principal announces to the crowd.

The crowd tells yells back rowdily.

"Alright, alright! I'm glad you're all so excited to know who this year's Homecoming King and Queen are!" He chuckles into the mic. "Without further ado, let's get to it."

"Your King of this year's class... is....." He trails off. "Ricky Bowen!"

Nini watches and claps with a smile as her boyfriend steps forward, accepting the crown graciously and waving to the cheering crowd.

"And finally, your Homecoming Queen... is...."

The crowd goes silent.

"Gina Porter!" He calls out.

Nini tries not to let her smile falter. Ricky turns back to see Nini's reaction, hoping she doesn't show the sting.

Nini refuses to show any weakness in losing to Gina Porter.

But really? Of all people, she had to lose to Gina Porter?

Nini claps for Gina with the rest of the crowd as she steps forward with a smirk.

Ricky refuses to look over to Gina, nor even clap. He leaves his hands clasped behind his back annoyedly.

He doesn't care to be Homecoming King if Nini isn't by his side.

Nini can't help but laugh at Ricky's antics. She knows he's intentionally not clapping.

No matter how crappy it is that Gina is Queen alongside her boyfriend, she knows Ricky will make it okay.


this has been one of my favorite chapters so far so i hope y'all like it too


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