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"Do you want to go to the mall after this?" Red asks Ricky from the other side of their table at the cafe.

"I don't think I'll have time. My dad wants me home in an hour," Ricky replies, stirring sugar into his coffee with a spoon.

The bell above the door to the coffee shop dings.

"That's okay, we can go on Saturday. They give out free samples at the food court on weekends." Red shrugs.

The boys hadn't noticed that the reason the bell sounded was that Nini and Gina had entered the cafe.

"Is that Ricky?" Nini asks Gina.

"Who?" Gina looks up from her phone.

"Ricky, the new transfer student on the football team. I didn't know he was friends with Big Red."

Gina's eyes lock onto him, narrowing when she realizes just who he is. "Oh, him."

Nini stays quiet momentarily as she remembers why Gina doesn't like him.

"He actually seems kind of nice," Nina decides to say.

"Of course you'd think that, he defended you. You know he bashed me in front of everyone, Nina. As my best friend, you should be on my side," Gina fumes.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry," Nini mumbles.

The boys had taken notice of the increase in volume of the small cafe, though they didn't know that the reason for it was Ricky himself.

"Hey, that's Nini and Gina! We should say hi." Red smiles.

"No, really, Red—" Ricky starts, but it was too late.

"Hey Nini! Gina!" Red calls excitedly.

The girls turn their attention over to see the redhead smiling and waving and the curly haired brunette slightly hiding.

The girls approach the table, Nini smiling slightly and Gina scowling.

"Hey," Nina greets them politely.

She feels shy around Ricky for some reason. Normally she can put on her fake smile around people she hardly knows, but being with him feels... different. Nini can sense him reading into her, trying to analyze her every move.

"Hey," Ricky greets back awkwardly.

"Do you guys want to sit with us? We have two more seats," Red offers encouragingly.

"Sure—" Nini starts, but Gina cuts her off, glowering at Ricky.

"We don't even know you, Scrawny. And your friend there? We would never want to associate with someone so inconsiderate and rude," Gina bitches.

Nini is taken off guard. She knew Gina didn't like Ricky, but she didn't think she would go off on someone she barely knew like that.

"Anyway, I'm going to the restroom. Get us a table, would you?" Gina requests, though Nini knows it's more of an order.

Gina struts off to the back of the cafe.

Nini can feel that her face has turned red with embarrassment, looking to the boys whose faces show evident shock.

"I don't like that girl," Red finally says.

"I'm sorry about that," Nini tries to console. "She's just... moody."

"Why do you put up with that?" Ricky asks.

Nini bites the inside of her cheek as she thinks. "She's my friend."

"But why is she your friend?" Ricky asks. "She treats you like a servant."

Nini looks around nervously. "I should get a table. Sorry again for Gina." Nini starts to walk away but turns around to add one last thing. "And Red, I do know you. You became friends with Ashlyn last fall."

The two friend duos don't speak for the rest of their time at the cafe.


dramaaaaa 🥰 what are we thinkin?


the flaw in being perfect - rini auOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz