04. - piggyback time!

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CHAPTER FOUR❝piggyback time!❞

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piggyback time!


YOU SPENT AROUND TEN minutes trying to cover up the developing bruise that was caused from yesterday's event, on your right cheek and forehead. Quickly dapping the concealer with a brush.

"[y/n]! hurry up Aran has been waiting for you for the past minutes." Your mother exclaimed across the hallway.

"one second!" you replied as you check last minute to see it has a full good coverage of the bruise and ran out of the room with your belongings.

As you left your house, your eyes met with Aran's confused look.

"What took you so long?" He asked.

"Yesterday left a mark on me, tryna cover up the thing."

He took a good look of your face, inspecting to see a difference. "It looks pretty covered up, you feeling okay?" He asks in concern

"Yeah, it just hurts if I touch it." You replied.

He simply nods at your answer as he received images from the recent incident, remembering how the whole situation was very amusing to him and the rest of the team.

Class was starting in a few minutes, paranoid about your appearance you kept checking if it is visible or not on your phone camera.

You were distracted on your phone that you didn't notice two girls in front of you.

"Heyy [y/n]! I heard you became the boy's volleyball team manager!" One of the girl spoke, both showing their pearly white teeth at you.

You look up from your phone, what seem to be twins, both wearing bows but on different sides, you put the phone down on your desk, giving them your full attention.

"Yeah, I just became one recently." You gave them a small smile

"So how did you get in?" This time the other girl asked.

"What do you mean get in? I just do." You gave them a puzzling look.

They both look at each other for a moment like they were communicating telepathically, they turn back to face you letting out a small giggle.

"We tried to be the managers of the volleyball team and they rejected us-."

"-saying, there's too many girls wanting to be a manager-"

"-so they aren't gonna accept any of us." The girls taking turns, elaborating what they mean.

"So how are you an exception?"

"Do you have a thing for anyone in the team?"

"Did you see Atsumu's jump serve during practice?"

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