03. - woah, headshot

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CHAPTER THREE❝woah, headshot❞

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woah, headshot


THE LOUD SCRAPING OF the chairs dragging across the floor as the students eager to get home. The day felt incredibly long but short at the same time. After the stubborn teen gave into his pride, he didn't talk to you and neither did he glare or overall look at you. You sighed in relief as it gave you a needed time to relax but you couldn't admit that you enjoyed the whole interaction, maybe it was the fact you aren't used to talking back to others but on the positive side, it gave you an emotional release. It could also be the fact that you try not to associate yourself with trouble, giving you a different experience than your usual.

You walked with Sayuri towards the exit, switching out your indoor shoes with your outdoors, you bid your goodbyes and went on your separate ways, as she walked towards the bus stop situated in front of the school gate while you try to look for Aran. You managed to find him in seconds among the students due to his tall figure.

You ran towards him, pushing past the incoming students, calling out his name.

"Hey, Aran!" you wave your arms at him, making it easy for him to find you in the crowd.

Aran turned to the loud voice searching for the owner until he laid his eyes on you. He chuckled as you tried to push past but failed as you got pushed back by the crowd. It took some time but you eventually stood next to him. Hunching over, resting your hands on your knees, panting for fresh air.

"Ready to walk?" You said as you catching your breath.

"Oh, I can't walk home with you today since I have volleyball practice. Sorry" Rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh, it's fine I can get home myself-" Realizing that you are kind of bad with directions and on your way to school, you weren't paying attention to your surrounding, going home alone without any guidance would be a dumb move.

"Actually, I kinda forgot how to, um, get back." You look down in embarrassment, mumbling the last two words.

Aran chuckled at your clumsiness, as he completely forgot that you shouldn't be left alone as you are hopeless with directions.

"You got google maps?"

"phone's dead."

You pull out your phone showing him the now-dead phone due to you showing pictures of Tokyo to Sayuri and scrolling through social media in your free time which managed to drain most of its power.

"You know, you are always welcome to watch me practise while you wait for me," He suggested as he adjusted the strap of his bag, nudging his head towards the gym signalling you to come along.

You nodded, you rather wait for Aran to walk home than walk in circles, lost like the ugly duckling in that famous fairytale.

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