01. - inarizaki high

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CHAPTER ONE❝inarizaki high❞

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inarizaki high


YOU RAKE YOUR HANDS through your hair, shaking your legs uncontrollably, trying to convince yourself you'll be alright but that part of your brain telling you otherwise.

"can you delay my first day of school 'till like next week" you groan

"[y/n], for the fifth time. you will be fine I promise." Your mum pinches the bridge of her nose as she had heard you chicken out too many times and she's about to lose her marbles.

"But bro, what if no one wanna be friends with me? I mean their loss since I'm literally a really cool person to be friends with." you propped your arms up, resting my head against it. Tracing the marble design on the countertop with your fingers.

"I mean I'm fine being a loner but I don't want people to perceive me as the quiet kid on my first day." you slouch on your seat, resting your head on your arms that is now folded onto the countertop, pouting at your mum.

"I know being a new kid is scary, but it will be fine. I heard the neighbour you were friends with since you guys were like 6? goes to the same school." she smiles hoping it would ease your nerves.

"what was his name again?" your mum thought hard, snapping her fingers hoping it will jog her memory.

"oh, Aran!"

you look up at your mum, you haven't heard from him since you moved to Tokyo. You wonder what he was up to after so many years since he was your first friend. "does he still dream about volleyball?" "how's he doing?" But a couple of thoughts came to mind.

"even if he does go to that school, what if he doesn't remember me? We won't even be in the same year, so what if I cant make friends in my year? Orr what if he doesn't wanna be around me?"

"Jesus Christ [y/n], stop thinking too much." she placed the plates she washed earlier back onto the rack and faced you.

"I ran into Aran while grocery shopping earlier, so he didn't forget you. I even asked if he could show you around school tomorrow and he agreed."

After hearing those words, you are still not convinced that things would be alright.

"Okay, but what if weeks later I still have no friends and I'm still following Aran like a lost puppy and gets annoyed at my presence."

your mum internally facepalms, thinking she has successfully made her daughter stop worrying cursing that pessimistic brain of yours.

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