09. - stuck in detention

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CHAPTER NINE❝stuck in detention❞

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stuck in detention


"I SWEAR THERE IS something wrong with me." Suna broke the silence, gaining his teammates' attention as they walk down to the first floor. He fidgeted with the straps of his bag, making a face.

"That's because you have an emotion called guilt." Kita pointed out in a monotone voice.

"And how do I turn that shit off?"

"Ya hang out with her too much," Atsumu interjected as he nudged the whiny brunette's ribs. "Yer brain prolly confused her as yer friend." He theorised, making hand gestures as he talked.

"Just apologise man, ya should have seen it coming." The other twin spoke out, shrugging his shoulders as he widens his eyes in confusion since it was self-evident.

"She wouldn't just accept 'i'm sorry' as an apology." Suna furrowed his eyebrows at him as he knew very well how [Y/N] acts.

"Well no shit, you have to expand on that." He let out a dry chuckle, forgetting how Suna's rarely the one to say sorry since he would just wait 'til the person gets over it. Besides, he never did something so wrong for a person to hold a grudge against him.

"Buy her flowers or something, heard girls like that." Atsumu lit up with an idea as he turns to face Suna, arching his eyebrow.

Suna rolled his eyes at his idea as if he would spend money on some flowers that you would accidentally let it die the next week. He also thought, would you really accept something so cliché as an apology? "Dumbass, I think that only works if you date the girl."

His thoughts were interrupted when his eyes met with Aran walking down the hallway to the main entrance, an idea popped into his head as he called out his name to get his attention.

"Aran C'mere, need your help!" Gesturing for him to come over.

"Soo, what is it?"

"You're close with [Y/N], yes?" He asked, getting a nod from him as a reply. "What do you have to do, for her to, y'know forgive me?" He begged shamefully.

Aran let out a small laugh, seeing him stressing over a girl Suna swore to dislike. It's quite an ironic situation to see. "Ooh, never thought you're desperate for someone's forgiveness." Humouring him.

"Please she's my ticket for me to stay on the team." He whined, reminding them the reason why he's so desperate and not because he got soft over someone he just met a couple of weeks ago. "I don't want any tension between us especially if we are stuck together for nearly an hour."

I WANNA BE YOURS ✧ suna rintarou Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt