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Three years had passed since that day, and a lot has happened. Of course, John and Liliana finally completed the process to be together and are happily married. After about two years, they became Alpha and Luna of their pack, and have been running it extremely well since then. She was extremely proud to say the least. She was also sure her mother, the moon goddess, was extremely proud as well. Her earth parents were also proud of them. After every storm, there is always a rainbow, and she can see that very well. Johns parents are still around in case they need help with learning anything or deciding anything, but other than that, they are enjoying their retirement.

John and Liliana had finally started a family of their own. They have a two-year-old son, named Dayton, and they have a four-week-old, named Delta. They felt as if they were on the moon, and nothing could bring them down. Their son happens to be a normal pup, and was very hyperactive, and loved to try and play with his little sister, not understanding that she was not able to play yet, due to her age. He had friends his age of course, so it was not to disappointing for him. Delta, on the other hand, seemed to be different from the rest of us. Everything seemed normal when she was first born, and for the week after. After one week of life, things started to slowly change. It seemed as if the weather would change when her moods changed. If she cried it was raining, if she were screaming then it would thunder and lighting, if she were happy it was sunshine. Of course, that is the only thing showing right now, but they had decided to watch for other signs. This could only mean that the same thing it meant for her. The next moon goddess in line. Honestly, it does not surprise them by any means.

Liliana laid Delta down in the crib, sighing to herself. It was now three o clock in the morning, and she found herself wide awake. Of course, the baby had woke her up originally to eat, but she was not able to go back to sleep after. Something was making her restless, and she could not figure out what it was. It was like a bad feeling in her gut, that just would not shake. Normally, she brushed it off as nothing, and nothing happens, but this time brushing it off was not working for anything. Rolling her eyes, she walked back over to her bed, to try and lay down for a little longer, and hopefully sleep the feeling off, and get the day started without any scares. The last thing John would need, is her blabbering about a gut feeling that she was not even sure would happen, whatever it was that is.

She laid on her back, staring at the roof. John had never come to bed that night, and she assumed that he just had a lot of Alpha stuff to do that kept him away. He did not need the distractions. Letting out another frustrated sigh, she rolled to her side, facing the baby. She sure did not want things to change, but it felt like they were, and she did not want it too. Maybe she was wrong and just being paranoid. That tends to happen a lot because of past events. She watched the baby for a little while, making sure she was asleep good, before finally drifting off to sleep herself.

Morning finally came, as the sun shone brightly through her bedroom window right onto her face. She blinked a couple of times, letting out a groan, trying to rub the sleep from her eyes. She glanced at the clock, noticing it was now seven A.M. She stood and walked over to the baby, noticing she was sound asleep. Normally she was already up, or Dayton was already in here. However, since neither of them were, she decided to take advantage and get some care for herself in. She walked into the bathroom, starting the shower, letting it heat up while she brushed her teeth. Of course, she still had to be quick, because she knew that Delta would be waking up soon to eat.

Just as she got through getting dressed, she heard whimpering coming from delta. 'Just in time.' She thought to herself, as she walked out of the bathroom, smiling. Just as she was about to walk over to the crib, she heard Dayton's voice from over by the bed, making her glance over. John was laying on the bed, playing with Dayton all while holding Delta, making her smile ever more. 'Seeing that, after everything we have been through, makes me feel so warm inside.' She thought as she sat on the bed next to John. He looked over at her and smiled. "You did not come to bed last night; shouldn't you be tired?" She asked. He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "No, I fell asleep in the office by accident. I am sorry, I will be in bed tonight though." He stated. She just shrugged it off and watched as he continued to play with the kids. He had Dayton laughing so hard, that it made it hard for her not to laugh with him. 'See, nothing to worry about. Everything is going to be okay.' She thought, continuing to watch them.

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