Her mate: John Harlington and the rejection

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She could feel her heart racing, and her mind going crazy. Tingles shot all through her body, and she could feel it beginning to become warm. Her breathe started to hitch as her mind went into a daze. 'Mate!' Something spoke into her mind, making her come out of her daze, and blink a couple of times as lauren stood in front of her, waving her hands in front of her face with a worried expression. She finally looked back at her, more confused than anything now. "Um..... Lauren, I'm going home for the rest of the day.... I don't..... feel that well! She exclaimed, bolting out the door before Lauren could say anything else to her.

Bolting through the front doors of the schools, she went straight for her car, tossing her bag inside and sitting in the driver seat. She stared straight ahead, breathing in and out slowly, trying to catch her breathe. After finally calming down after a few minutes, she crunk her car and sat there in thought. Why? Why would the moon goddess make him her mate knowing he is probably just going to reject her? None of this makes sense to her. Was her life meant to be this rough? Was she meant to go through this pain she was fixing to go through? She had so many unanswered questions that she did not know who to go to on getting those answers. It is all so stressing to her to the point that she wants to just sit there and cry, and then just go to sleep, and pretend like this never happened.

    She saw the front of the school open, as John bolted out, looked around frantically. 'No doubt, looking for me so he can go ahead and reject me.' She thought to herself. 'You know that is not true! You just can't except it!' Once again, something spoke in her head. Immediately, it made her panic, especially when John looked right at her, and started jogging her way. She began to panic even more. She jolted her car into reverse and drove off before he could reach her though. She sped down the road, once again, trying to calm herself down. She felt the warm tears trickle down her face. She wiped ferociously at them to get them to go away but it didn't work. They still spilled over at a fast pace, causing her to drive faster to get home quicker.

Throwing her car in park, and shutting it off, she ran into her house, heading straight for room. "Darling, are you home? It's still early, is everything okay?" Her mom shouted after her. She didn't respond, closing her door, jumping onto her bed. Burying her face into a small pillow and letting out a small scream, that no one in the house can hear. She turned her face to look at the wall that had pictures of her and her family and a few of her and Lauren. She stared at the pictures, in hopes that they would help calm her down, but it didn't. She knows that normally, when you find your mate, you automatically go to them, since it is hard to resist. However, knowing he will reject her, she did not want that embarrassment in front of the school. Right now is was not something that she could handle. Everyone would pick on her more than they already do, and she was not ready for that at all. Knowing the rejection is going to happen, she could already feel the pain she did not want to feel. There was a deep sharp pain in her heart, and she was sure that is where it was coming from. Nothing else would make her heart like this, so that had to be the reason. She had thought about asking her mother, but she didn't want to drag her into it. Finally giving up on her thoughts, she closed her eyes, in hopes to get rid of the pain.

     She heard a faint knocking on the door, and then her mothers quiet voice. "Babygirl, its time for dinner, please come down." She stated. Then faint footsteps were heard, as it got quiet again. She rubbed her sleepy eyes, staring up at the roof. She had not meant to fall asleep, but now the pain is back, and it's only worse this time around. She sighed, forcing herself to sit up, trying to wake up more, one thing is for sure, she needed to try and find a way to hide this pain from her parents so they would not bombard her with a bunch of questions. Pretending to be happy sounded like a good plan. She stood, and made her way down to the kitchen, where her parents were waiting. She sat down at the table, putting some food on her plate. Dinner was quiet, as they all ate and enjoyed the peace going through the house until her mother spoke up. "Do you mind telling me why you left school so early?" Her mother asked, catching her fathers attention. She sat there quietly, pushing around her food, thinking of an answer to give. "I wasn't really feeling that well." She told them, staring dead into their eyes, hoping they believed her. Technically, it was not a full lie anyways. Her mother sat there, frowning at her, like she didn't want to believe her.

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