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Years had passed since that night, and Liliana had yet to find out about it. He was happy that she did not, but he felt guilty almost everyday that he was alive. He quit going on trips to find children, because she could no longer handle the Alpha spot, since she had been carrying another child. That child is now 13 and looked just like her mother and sister. Of course, she does not know that she has siblings yet, because they had been scared to tell her. Instead, they have been focusing on training her to feet because they knew one was coming. They wanted to make sure they were ready for it, no matter what happened or what they brought against him. They had sent many warriors our in search for the children but could never find anything or pick up on any leads. Susan went a couple of years ago, but they have yet to hear from her or get any messages. The feared that she may be gone, but they were going to be positive and hope that the negative outcome is not true.

John sighed, as he sat at his desk, waited for an answer from Susan. He sent her three different messages today, hoping that she would respond, but she did not. He put his phone down, putting his head in his hands, slowly taking deep breaths in, and letting them out. He heard his office door open and close but did not look up. He felt like he did not need to. "Hey, still no word from Susan?" Liliana asked. He looked at her and watched for a minute. He sat back in his chair. He was going to tell her today, he had to. He needed to get it off his chest. "No, still no word from her." He said, watching her. She closed her eyes, sighing, and looking down. She had nothing else to say about the situation. "Liliana, can we talk? It's about the trip to California." He asked. She looked at him, frowning. He could not decide if she looked more worried, or she if she was confused. "Darling, that was almost fourteen years ago. What would there be to talk about now?" She asked curiously. She was right, it had been almost fourteen years ago, making him feel even more worse than what he had already been feeling. "Yes, I know. You are probably going to be angry with me when I tell you this, and I want to tell you in advance at how sorry I am." He started out, watching her. When he said that, she crossed her arms, sitting in the chair in the desk in front of him. He let out a breath, trying to work up the nerve to tell her the whole story, in hopes that it does not kill the marriage. Of course, it would not kill the mate bond, because that is there for life. He sat back in his chair. Here goes nothing. "Okay, so you know that a hunter came with us. Her name was Luis..." He began, pausing for a moment to watch her reaction. She was staring at him, but her face was blank, so he was picking nothing up, "Well, she had come onto me once, but I turned her away, but... when we found Carlos, but neither of our kids... I became...emotional..." He hesitated. She was now frowning and could feel herself starting to become uneasy about what she was sure he was trying to tell her. "Just come out with it John, what happened?" She asked angrily. He frowned, he knew she knew what he was fixing to say, but he was going to say it anyways. He knew she needed to hear it from him. "Well, that night... I... gave in...." He whispered. He knew she had heard him though. He watched as the anger flooded over her face, and the tears started showing in her eyes. She was hurt and he knew it. "Is that why I had that pain in my heart back then? The one I texted you about the day you were coming home?" She asked, her voice was scary calm, making his nerves unsettled.

She was going to blow up, and he knew it. He was just waiting. "yes." Was his response as he continued to wait? He watched as she started to take in some shallow breaths and let them out with her eyes closed. Her body was extremely still, and her face had done gone pale, as if she had done seen a ghost. Just as she was about to say something, his phone rang, and he looked down to see Susans name rad across it. His heart began to race, and it felt like he could not breath. He picked it up, putting it close to his ear.

"Hello? Susan? Is that you?" He asked. Liliana sat straight up in her seat, now looking at him with hope.

"Yes, John it's me, and I have some news for you!" She said through the other end of the phone.

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