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Jiho and Jinyoung carried that guy up 3 flights of stairs before we got to the roof. We then went behind the stair entrance and laid the guy there.

"Seunghun start cleaning him off while I pump more blood real quick, okay?"
Jinyoung whispered and Seunghun fumbled.

Seunghun pulled out white spirit, rags, a lint roller, a dropper, and lastly fingernail clippers. Seunghun did everything swiftly but efficiently while Jinyoung finished his task. Leaving that one drop of blood under his collar bone.

I looked back at my phone and Hyunsuk texted me.

"They left."
I said sighing in relief and falling to the ground. Everyone else lets out a swift breath and relax after hearing the news.

"Jiho you know the sweeping procedure, other than that we can head out."
Jinyoung smiled and I got up.

"Let's go."

Seunghun hums in response. We all left after sweeping. We were comfortable and everything.

"Where are we going next?"
I asked and the others smiled.

"To a creek."

Blood Thirsty [Kim Seunghun - CIX]✔️Where stories live. Discover now