Chapter 7

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"Oh my God..."

"What? You're acting like you've never seen the Overworld before," you laughed jokingly.

"No..." Oh. Wasn't expecting that.

"You've never been here?"

"Never," BEN sighed. "I mean... I've seen it in video games, but Slender doesn't let me leave the Mansion. He thinks that I'm gonna screw everything up. He thinks I can't do anything right... He ducking hates me."

"I'm sure he doesn't hate you," you said awkwardly as you scratched the back of your neck. Sympathy never really was your strong suit.

"Yeah, easy for you to say," he said as he half-glared at you.

"What do you mean?"

"Slender Man treats you like you do nothing wrong," he pouted. You laughed, probably a bit more than you should have. He looked at you, in a way that made it look like he thought you were making fun of him.

"I'm sorry... I'm not laughing for the reason you think," you assured. "Slender Man is constantly getting on my back about everything. I never see him yelling at you. Maybe once," you smiled.

"Really? It just seems like... Shit. I'm sorry," he laughed silently.

"I forgive you," you laughed as you lightly pushed his shoulder. "So... We kind of have nowhere to go," you thought out loud.

"Oh, yeah... Well, shit. Now what? Do we have to become hobos?"

"No," you laughed. "We'll find something. But you have to remember; no killing. And no messing with electronics. Unless someone really deserves it," you laughed.

"Alright, alright, mom."

"So... Do you know where Jane used to live? She said her house was abandoned and we could go there."

"No idea."

"Great. I guess we just walk until we find somewhere. And I'll have to get a job," you sighed.

"No. You need to find Laughing Jack. I'll get a job."

"Uh, BEN? Sorry to break it to you, but... Your eyes are bleeding, you cause glitches in technology, you dress like Link, and one of your eyes is all pixely." You let out a breath of air. Damn. You didn't expect to say that much.

"You obviously don't know a thing about us, do you?" he laughed. He suddenly closed his eyes, and a quick, bright flash of light appeared before you. Just like that, BEN looked like a normal, blonde haired, blue eyed boy.

"Oh... I guess I don't," you laughed. "Just be careful. Typical white girls are all over guys that look like you."

"Yeah, I'm not worried about that. I'd rather go out with you," he laughed. Your face turned bright red at that moment.

"Is that an insult?" you laughed, trying to hide your embarrasment and shock. "It was just a joke, right? BEN didn't actually just tell me that he wanted to go out with me, right? He's not flirting, right?" you thought to youself. Sure, you were overreacting, but relationships scared you now. With the whole you-know-who doing you-know-what... yeah...

"How is that an insult? I just said I'd go out with you," he laughed as a light shade of pink crept on to his face.

Oh, God. He was flirting...


A/N: Sorry about the short chapter :/ I thought I was going somewhere somewhere with this, but apparently not XD Don't worry, more exciting things will happen in the next few chapters! (Sorry for all the dialogue .-.)

Stay creepy!

I Ate Your Candy, Now What? (LJ x Reader) (Book 2) (COMPLETE)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora