The Fall of the Broken - Part 1 (Ch. 11)

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"Okay... here's what I need you to do."

Laughing Jack explained his plan in full detail to me. Even though I was still a bit unsure of what to think of him, I still went with it. He claimed to have proof, and I needed to see it.

Laughing Jack set a mirror shard against the corner of the room. He positioned me on the metallic bed that I had once known, and the familiar feeling came back. I used all of my force to push it aside. To push everything away. I didn't want to remember anything that happened that day... It was all in the past now.

"Ready?" Laughing Jack asked, his voice more serious than I had ever heard. I looked at him with slight uncertainty. This plan seemed a bit too far-fetched. I don't understand why I couldn't just stand behind the shard and not be seen. But... it was his plan. If I didn't follow it, who knows what could happen.

"(Y/N), don't worry. You can trust me. He can't control me anymore."

"But who is he? You haven't told me that. I need to know."

"Just... trust me on this, okay?" He looked at me again, his eyes flashing a bright color. But, this time, it wasn't bronze. It was magenta. "If I tell you who he is, you won't go throught with the plan... Now, when you see who he really is, you cannot move. Do not gasp, do not even take a quick breath. Your breath and heartbeat must remain steady at all times. You have to focus on one thing, and one thing only. Do not look around the room, don't even shift your eyes a tiny bit. Do you understand?"

"Y-Yes," I said shakily.

"(Y/N), calm down. Everything's going to be okay," he said as he pulled you in for a long hug. Things suddenly felt the way they were before. I remembered when we were inseperable. He had always been so sweet to me. He was always there for me...

My breath slowed to a steady pace. Laughing Jack laid me back down on the metallic bed. "Breath slower... In and out..." he whispered. I did as he told, and he smiled. "Better. Ready?" I quickly nodded, and he faced away from me. He looked directly at the mirror shard, and I kept my eyes looking at a crack in the wall. That's where I was going to stare.

I sudden darkness crept over the room, and all went quiet. It stayed this way for quite some time, then a booming voice jumped out of the shadows. Oh my god... Zalgo...

"What is it?!" Zalgo boomed, the volume of his voice making my ears ring. "I thought I told you to rid yourself of my presence for good!"

"Sir, I have found and killer him/her," Laughing Jack stated with no fear.

"You tell lies," Zalgo shouted.

"She is right here." Laughing jack picked me up in his arms, and I immediately went limp, but kept my focus on the crack in the wall, which was now several feet from my nose.

"Impressive," Zalgo chuckled. "Are you sure she's dead?"

"I removed her organs," LJ laughed.

"Good job, then," Zalgo said, impressed. "You know, Laughing Jack, I had always thought you were a fool. Until now, that is. Now, I realize that you're a bigger fool than I thought you were. Do you really expect me, the most powerful being in the universe, to fall for your tricks? You're a fucking idiot if you belive that!" he yelled.

A tall, black and red figure appeared in front of me, and I immediately jumped. "You were on her side the whole time, weren't you?" Zalgo yelled.

"I was always on her side!" Laughing Jack yelled as he shifted me behind him. "You forced me to do things that I never imagined doing. I loved her, and you forced her to run away!"

"There is no love! Love is just an illusion! It doesn't exist! Out of all people, you should've been the first to notice that. I can't belive how much of a fool you really are!" 

"I'm not the fool, Zalgo... you are."

And with that, Zalgo lunged at me. Laughing Jack picked me up in his long arms, only to drop me and yell out in pain. Thick black blood oozed out of his back and onto me. He looked up at me with the same worried expression as before.


I Ate Your Candy, Now What? (LJ x Reader) (Book 2) (COMPLETE)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant