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"I was kicked out of the Mansion... I'm not a CreepyPasta anymore."

The words echoed back and forth in my head, hitting the walls that I had originally built around myself. They bounced back and forth, as if it was a game, and then... they stopped. They stopped bouncing. They had broken those walls. Now, they roamed freely. Like Laughing Jack. He was free. I had always thought that it would be a good thing, but... it wasn't.

He was going to die. And all because of me.

"L- Laughing Jack... no..."

"Don't worry, (Y/N)... I'll be back. Just not as who you've known me as. I'll be different. But... a good different. I won't be able to hurt you anymore. I've caused you so much pain. I've caused myself so much pain. I don't want to hurt you any more than I already have. I'm sorry."

And with that, he was gone. His breath slowed, then stopped altogether. He was... gone.


"Laughing Jack!" I screamed, in hopes that someone would be able to hear my frail voice. My frail, broken voice... There was nothing left of it. Just like the rest of me.

We're people. We're nothing but people. They tell us to stay strong and to keep going, but they don't understand. They've never lost someone they felt so strongly for. We all laugh. We all cry. We all feel something inside of us that we can't explain. That's how I felt for Laughing Jack. I laughed with him. I cried for him. I felt something towards him that I couldn't explain. But don't we all feel that way sooner or later? It's no different for anyone. So...

At the end of the day, we're all just puppets.

I Ate Your Candy, Now What? (LJ x Reader) (Book 2) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now