"Merlin" he whispered in a shaky voice "I didn't eve- Why did- gods" he sobbed "What have I done?" My heart broke hearing his pain and I knew very well that mates tends to feel things ten time more, even though he is human he still feel things a lot more than others. He was hurt that he caused me pain without knowing it and I didn't know what to do to calm him down and reassure him. "Just look at it Harry. Look at it" he said as he turned me so that I was facing the mirror. "Look at what I've done to you" he exclaimed, pointing a finger at my reflection. "How can you say that everything is fine?" he asked and I bit my lip when his voice cracked. "Why didn't you tell me when it happened?" he asked, looking at me through his tears. I looked back at him, tears filling my own eyes.

"I knew you would have felt guilty" I whispered and he cried more.

"You should have told me, Harry" He said "You can't h-hide something like this from me. I'm a terrible person. I didn't even look twice at you when I stormed back inside. I didn't speak to you and you still apologized to me when I hurt you so badly?" he asked and I only wrapped my arms around him in reply, tightening my grip when he fought against my embrace but quickly gave up as I was stronger than him. "I'm sorry, Harry." he said "I'm so sorry, so so sorry." he cried and I stroked his hair tenderly while shushing him to calm him down.

"I forgive you, Draco" I said, hoping that it would make him feel a bit better. "I never blamed you, baby" he buried his face in my neck. "Never" I kissed his head while rocking our bodies slowly. He finally calmed down after a few minutes and I helped him get dressed carefully as to not make him slip on the slippery tiles and went back to the bedroom. We sat down on the bed and I hugged him again, showing him the love I felt for him and kissing him once in a while. "Are you feeling better?" I whispered and he looked at me while a deep frown was on his gorgeous face.

"I should be the one asking you this" he said, looking upset at himself. I brushed my nose against his softly before kissing it, his eyes fluttering close as I did this.

"I already told you, darling, I'm perfectly fine" I said and asked again how he was feeling.

"How do you think I'm feeling?" he asked, looking down at his hands that were resting on his lap. I lifted his face with two fingers and stared into those beautiful and bright grey eyes that I fell in love with years ago.

"I love you" I said and his eyes got teary again while his bottom lip trembled. "I love you, Draco Malfoy. So much." I said, smiling at him as a tear fell from his eye. I wiped it away and rested my forehead against his, never breaking eye contact. "I'll never ever stop loving you"

"I love you too" he whispered, kissing my lips before looking at the crib in the corner of the room. A small smile finally spreading on his lips and he looked shyly back at me. "Thank you" he said, refering to the crib and I smiled back.

"You're welcome, baby" I replied "I had some help from your mother but I wanted to choose one myself still" I explained as I recalled the day we got it with Narcissa.

"No, not that" he said and I frowned "Thank you for" he paused, looking down. I lifted his head and made him look at me in the eyes.

"For what?" I asked in a soft voice.

"For Scorpius" he said, blushing a bright red. A huge smile settled on my lips as I watched him get all embarrassed.

"My pleasure" I smirked and he hit me softly on the arm as he felt even more embarrassed.


Today was the day back at Hogwarts. We were both standing in front of Narcissa at platform nine and three quarters to say goodbye before stepping in the Hogwarts Express which was going to leave soon.

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