Chapter 11

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This chapter is now a year after Tony revealed himself to be alive.

Peter is now 19 and Tony is now 55
Morgan is 8 and Beck is 40


Third PoV:

Throughout the past year, Ironman, Spider-Man and Mysterio were all seen fighting villains and thugs together. Although it was easily recognisable that Ironman and Spider-Man were far closer.

Peter had shown Tony his lab at his own mansion and to say the older man was impressed would be an understatement. Some of the boys tech was off the charts, even more so than his own.

Tony taught him all about the company as Peter would be the heir to the empire, being the firstborn Stark and all. They even had his name changed in all his records to his real birth name, Peter Anthony Stark.

Everyone was ecstatic to find the pair of genius' were father and son. And they could see how both of them grew closer and closer with each day and slowly the tears in their hearts, from past trauma and their childhood, began to heal. The duo slowly but surely mended each other.

It was set for Peter to take over as CEO of SI when he turned 21 years old. Tony would retire and live out in the lake house with Pepper and Morgan. He wasn't sure if he was quite ready to give up Ironman though, he wanted to hang on to the alter ego that made him who he is today, just a little longer.


Morgan and Peter grew to have a very strong sibling relationship too. Morgan loved her older brother, quite possibly more than anyone else - even her mother and father. She loved to play superhero's with him and also dance/sing.

She was unsurprisingly very smart, obviously the top in her school let alone year. She was definitely a mini Pepper, with her no shit attitude. She did have a few other Tony's quirks, though only his non self destructive ones. She had his levels of sass and snark, much like her older brother too. But she unlike the pair in question, knew how to look after herself and didn't stay up until the brink of exhaustion.

Shockingly enough, she admitted to Tony and Peter that she did not wish to be a superhero when she was older, nor did she want anything to do with the company. No, she wanted to be a professional dancer/singer. It was quite the shock to her parents but they supported the young girl nonetheless. She told them that it was peters area of expertise not hers, which they found amusing as she said it with those exact words. Not ones you'd usually hear from an 8 year old but then again, she wasn't any ordinary eight year old...she was Morgan Stark. Daughter of Ironman and Rescue, Anthony Stark and
Pepper Potts-Stark. Sister of Spider-Man,
Peter Stark.


The team was now too large to count, the original six (can't remember if I kept her alive or not so imma say she is for the sake of happiness),
the Royals of Wakanda, the sorcerers, the Guardians, Captain Marvel, Mysterio and several more.

The original team, alongside Wanda and Bucky lived in the newly rebuild compound whilst the others lived with their families or in their own homes.

Unsurprisingly, there were still plenty of missions for them as for some reason extraterrestrial life loved attacking Earth.

Peter still did SHIELD missions with Mysterio but sometimes Natasha and Clint joined them. Mainly on the harder ones.

Tony would only go on missions where it was absolutely necessary for him to be there. He'd usually stick to simple patrols with Peter and the team.

——-end of chapter——-

The next chapter will be moving on from Tony and peters relationship to avenger missions.

The flow of the book definitely got lost, honestly Tony wasn't supposed to be in any chapters until later on but I couldn't resist bringing my fav character in early.

Future chapters will hopefully be much better.

Sorry for the slow updates, I just don't wanna rush them and make them awful. Much like this one.

A new duo Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora