Chapter 2

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Third POV:
In this Beck has a wife! She is an OC.

Months went by and eventually Beck and his wife moved in with Peter. They were quite the duo. Also Beck was basically his uncle/best friend.

The news had picked up on them quite a bit but had never managed to catch a photo of them yet but that would all change soon. Peter had finally finished his suit.

Peter constantly teased Beck for his helmet. He called him fishbowl, which Beck hated but let it slide as it was his basically nephew saying it.


"Hey wanna go on patrol together Fishbowl?"

Beck scowled but replied, "sure and stop calling me that!"

"Never!" Peter laughed.

As you can probably tell, Peter had opened up a lot to Beck but he still didn't listen when Beck told him to sleep. He practically lived on coffee.

The pair still helped out a lot with SHIELD missions but did go on solos still. They haven't been on patrol together yet and Peter hadn't used his new suit except for the first time they met.


In this Mysterio can actually Fly.

They flew/swung around New York for hours, stopping mainly petty crimes but also some murder attempts.

"Anymore crime MIS?"

"Yes boss there appears to be a robot attack two streets away." MISAI informed.

Peter nodded in his mask, MISAI picking it up through sensors.

He informed Beck and they made their way over to the robots.

People were screaming all around and Peter being Peter swung right into the middle, showing off doing many flips and tricks. He took three out in one shot.

Many sighed in relief, whilst others ran.

Beck rolled his eyes fondly at the kids antics and flew down to help. He blasted the robots away with his elemental powers.

People began to film the attack on their phones, sending it to news stations.

Peter was skilfully taking hundreds of bots out and saving civilians along the way.

Just as they were finishing, Peter heard a young boy screaming. He swung down and shielded the boy from impact. He slightly winded from the bullets but they didn't go through his suit as it was bullet proof. He grimaced but scooped the boy up and swung him to safety after taking down the bot.

People cheered all around for the hero's and both smiled behind their mask/helmet. It felt good saving them.

They both waved to the cameras and took of back to their house.


(Still third PoV)

A man, his wife and daughter were sitting on the sofa watching TV when suddenly the news changed to the robot attack.

"News report: New York's favourite vigilante and partner saved the city from unknown robots earlier this evening. Here are some videos and photos. It would appear Spiderman has a new, very high tech suit."

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