Chapter 4

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Third PoV:

After several long hours, doctors finally exited the room in which Peter was being kept and headed towards the two distraught men.

"Hello Mr Stark, Mr Beck. I am Doctor Newman and I am one of the many looking after Mr Parker."

The two men rose to their feet instantaneously, looks of apprehension plastered on their faces.

"H-how is he?" Beck asked fearfully.

Newman sighed sadly, "he's alive."

Tony and Quentin visibly relaxed but still held a bit on tension in their limbs.

"But?" Tony questioned, already knowing their was a but coming.

"He is in a coma. He flatlined three times throughout the duration of the surgery and is in a very critical condition. He is obviously unable to breathe alone and has a ventilator down his throat and multiple IV's in his arm. He was shot three times, once in the side, one in the leg and in the chest. The ones in the side and leg were easily treated and stitched up, leaving no lasting damage but the chest wound not so much. The bullet tore through his right atrium (top right part of the heart) causing major damage and blood loss. A minute later and he would have been dead before the helicopter landed. Due to his very weak condition he is currently in the ICU. You may see him but be very careful if you touch his because of the wires."

Both males had frozen throughout the explanation but snapped back into it when Newman said they could see him.

"O-ok," Tony breathed.

Newman nodded and lead them down the halls. He stopped at the door that said ICU room 3 and indicated for them to enter.

Beck opened the door and walked in quickly whilst Tony closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for the sight. But when he entered it didn't matter that he'd tried to prepare himself, the sight was awful. Peter was attached to so many machines and wires. The heart monitor was beating painfully slow and his oxygen levels were still low even with the ventilator.

 The heart monitor was beating painfully slow and his oxygen levels were still low even with the ventilator

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AN: in case anyone was wondering what a ventilator is, it's the blue tube in the mans mouth. I found this image on Pinterest and put an effect on it to blur it slightly.

Tony collapsed onto a chair beside the bed, whilst Beck knelt down next to him and carefully brushed his hair out the way.

"H-hey gave m-me quite the scare there bud. I uh...I need you to be alright for me ok? Please wake up kid...we need you, and the world needs one of its greatest defenders! And uh...there's someone you gotta see...he's here now with me. I'm sorry but I can't stay...I wish I could but Fury needs me to help with tracking Jago down."

With that Beck looked up at Tony and for the first time he spoke to him, looking completely vulnerable and broken. His eyes red and puffy, his cheeks glistening with tears in the light.

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