Chapter 3

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Third PoV:

After the press conference, Peter and Mysterio would take off their masks in public and take pictures in and out of suits.

They had a huge mission coming up in England, where they'd be for the next month. They were going to be infiltrating hidden HYDRA bases, the only ones in England. There were 5 in total and the two of them, plus 2 SHIELD agents would be going. The agents were Tegan and Jago.

Tegan Fields was a 26 year old female from LA.
Jago Wright was a 29 year old male from London.

They were leaving later this evening. They had permission to kill these HYRDA agents from Nick Fury as there would be so many of them. They were to free any prisoners and bring them back to be rehabilitated if possible.


Third PoV:

Tony was in his lab, tinkering with his old nanotech suit when the doors flew open and there in all his glory stood Nick Fury.

Tony looked like a deer caught in traffic lights as he gasped at the man. Before he could say anything, fury cut it.

"Shut your mouth Stark, I've known you were alive the entire time. I know everything. Now I've come to inform you that Parker and Beck are going to England for a month on a very important mission, tonight. They will be wearing body cams that will broadcast it to me, I came here to tell you so you may watch the mission with me. I know you care about Parker so I thought it was only right, in case something goes wrong. I will be here at 9pm tomorrow when the mission actually begins. They are infiltrating hyrda bases, five to be exact."

Tony's eyes widened when fury told him he already knew he was alive.

How the fuck?

But when his mind registered that Peter was going on a month long mission to HYRDA of all places, he felt anxiety and fear claw at his body.

What happens if anything goes wrong? No don't think like that Tony, he will be fine...he's Spider-Man. He always gets up.

If only Tony listened to his first thought...


True to his word, fury did come back the next day and they watched the footage from both cams side by side. Although Tony pretty much stayed glued to peters one. They could talk to each other but not Fury. They knew fury was watching though so they could ask for help but would receive no immediate reply. He would have to send help in as he can't answer them directly.

The first mission went smoothly, only getting a few cuts and bruises.

Then came the second mission, it went pretty good as well except Quentin for shot in the arm but was fine once it was removed.

Then the third. This one was a little bit rocky, Peter got shot in the leg when a piece of the suit was torn off and then stabbed just below the wound minutes latter. Quentin had to drag him out of the building and stitch him up but after a few days of recovery, he was good to go.

The fourth one was probably the smoothest of them all. They only got a few bruises and maybe one or two cuts.

And now it was time for the fifth and finale mission. The largest and most secure hydra base out of the five.

Peter and Mysterio obviously stuck together, whilst Agent Tegan and Agent Jago paired up with each other.

"Mission start." Said Tegan.

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