"Yes he is, and why wouldn't I give a rather late entrance, it seems the bride hasn't yet shown up, which means I'm rather early." Adrian retorted making the vampire chuckle. "Always looking for a jab at me eh." He replied just as Jax cleared his throat. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but may I speak with my boyfriend, we won't be long." Jax asserted leaving no room for argument, when the head of the vampires looked at Jax and tried to argue the kitsune's eyes changed into a glowing shade of orange catslits which made him back down. "Of course." The man obliged, how could he not see it the kitsune and witch were mated.

Adrian walked beside Jax silently, there was something wrong he could tell but conversing in the middle of the room about it wasn't exactly a great way to go about it, when they got to what seemed like a library Jax closed the doors behind them, when he did Dr. Charlton appeared from a rather dark corner of the room, she was wearing a beautiful black dress, her hair flowing in beautiful waves as always. "You shouldn't be here." She hissed at the two of them. "What, why?" Adrian questioned and she took out a flash drive from her purse. "It's all in here, everything you need to know, I know you can see me as I truly am Adrian, I know what you both are, I know you know about the mystic world, but you're entering it with the wrong family." Dr. Charlton warned as Jax took the flash drive and pocketed it.

Adrian didn't have time to be shocked as the wedding song began, they had to get back. "Your secret is safe with me, but once you learn of what is really going on promise me you'll find me and I will help." She offered and Adrain nodded, Jax nodded as well and mouthed a thank you to the woman before leading Adrian out of the library, when they did so they found Cooper, Zoey, Conrad, and Liam waiting outside for them, he knew they hadn't heard anything but it still made him suspicious of what they were doing just outside of the door. "Hey guys." Cooper mischievously greeted. " It's not what you're thinking Cooper, we just needed a wardrobe fix." Adrian defended as Jax stayed silent.

"If you say so." The fae Zoey wistfully replied as she turned on her heels along with everyone, they got back just as everyone was sitting down. "How are you holding up?" Adrian asked Johnny who was now by his side with the kids. "I feel sick, there are so many mystics here and their emotions are bombarding me, it's not fun." Johnny whined as he laid his head on Adrian's shoulder, the medium felt sorry for his brother, not having control of his empathic powers was a bitch sometimes, and him being in a room full of people with heightened emotions wasn't helping, Adrian himself had forced his psychic abilities to work only with the link until he was out of the great hall because being constantly hit with visions wasn't fun.

As the ceremony went on Adrian saw himself up there like the groom and his bride, it was similar in a way, with Jax opposite him, their vows being recited to each other, though this was a vision of a far of future, he couldn't tune it out and he definitely couldn't help sharing it with Jax, when he did the kitsune beside him smiled, it was a future he too was striving for, one day they would get married and life wouldn't be as messed up as it was now and they both reveled in that happiness, amidst all that was going on, it brought a smile onto Adrian's lips.

"You may kiss the bri—." The priest stopped right then, howls resounded around the whole place, the sound of claps by the main door brought everyone's attention there, there was no doubt this was a threat, Adrian could feel a wolf within him but what scared him was the vampire behind him, what was the head of the vampires doing. "We're sorry we're late, but we couldn't help bring gifts." The man announced just as a headless corpse fell between the rows of benches where people were sitting, screams went up into the air as people tried to move but found himself stuck to their seats.

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