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Councillor- right so you're telling me that deputy Morris sexually assaulted you?
Rose- y-yeah
Councillor- let me check the cameras because there's proof right there *he says pointing to her neck*
*he checks the cameras and a look of remorse and disgust mixed with anger spreads across his face*
Councillor- I am so sorry Rose... we will fire him right away. No one gets away with this especially when they have done this type of damage to another human being. We won't even interview him we have the proof right here. We will have him tried and put in prison for being a sex offender. You must go down and see the medical staff though and make sure he hasn't damaged your windpipe they may have to give you medication for the swelling. Dry your eyes sweetheart he's getting what he deserves. I will have to notify your mother and if she wants to come and visit you to see if you're okay then we can make an exception just this once considering the circumstances. Now go and find your friends I will sort this. *he smiles and her but his eyes are filled with the flames of furey*
*Rose gets up and finds her friends who are back in the centre*
Mini- oh my gosh *she says flying into her arms* are you okay?
Rose- yeah I have to go to medical though to get checked over to see if he hasn't damaged my windpipe and they're contacting my mum and bringing her in for a visit and a meeting
Harvey- what are they doing about the guard though?
Rose- firing him and trying him and sentencing him for being a sex offender as I'm still legally a minor until I'm 18 so he'll be going away for a long time as there is a lot of proof there.
Max- fucking good. That's the last time that, that arsehole lays hands on anyone ever again *he says while storming away into the equipment cupboard*
Olivia- didn't he say you needed to go to medical?
Rose- yeah but that can wait I don't really wanna be touched right now
Guard- McGuire! Councillor said that you need to go and get medical attention for you incident. You may take one person with you to make sure nothing happens on the way there and back. I would go but I have to supervise this lot
Rose- uh okay. Who wants to come?
Jared- Harvey will
Olivia- mmhmm *she smiles*
Rose- what's going on?
Mini- Harvey likes you *she says in a teasing tone*
Harvey- now is not the time girls
Max- Harvey just go with her *he calls from the cupboard*
Rose- guess you're coming with me then *she smiles faintly*
Harvey- guess I am *he smiles back*
Guard- hurry up! We haven't got all day
Harvey- I mean you have. We haven't.
Guard- don't get smart Mills
*Rose and Harvey walk to medical together*
*after 20 minutes of her getting checked over she finally meets Harvey outside medical*
Harvey- so how'd it go? He hasn't damaged it has he?
Rose- it's just bruised and red on the inside. He's physically and internally bruised me. He hasn't crushed my windpipe but they said to go back if I start to get shortness of breath. They put some meds on my prescription for me to take for 2 weeks until the swelling goes down.
Harvey- that arsehole! You should have never been left on your own down there! Urgh! *he shouts while punching the wall and busting his knuckles open*
Rose- Harvey! This isn't your fault! Stop hurting yourself! Come on let's get those seen too. *she says while gently grabbing his bleeding hand and looking at it with so much care and worry in her eyes*
Harvey- they won't see me. I've done this too many times they give me cream and wrap for when I do this all I need to do is wrap it in a bandage with cream under it so it doesn't get infected
Rose- okay well where is all this stuff?
Harvey- in my room. I'll do it when we walk passed
Rose- no I'll do it for you. You saved me earlier now let me take care of you yeah? Where's your room?
Harvey- down here. You'll have to excuse the mess though I share a room with Max and he's so messy it's not even humanly possible *he giggles*
Rose- Harvey I don't care about if your rooms a mess I care about you and whether your knuckles are broken or not
Harvey- do you know? You care so much for a person who acts like she can fight everyone in the world
Rose- you've managed to get yourself on my soft side. I have a soft spot for you now Mills. *she smiles*
Harvey- this is it *he says pushing the door open revealing the half clean half messy room*
Rose- I'm assuming the clean side is yours
Harvey- yes how did you know? *he says jokingly*
Rose- oh just the *she looks around the room for something to say other than stating the obvious* green teddy bear *she says giggling*
Harvey- hey *he says laughing* my little sister won that at a fair and brought it for me when I first came in here. She gave Max a pink duck. We had this running joke in my house were Max was obsessed with ducks and I was obsessed with buying unnecessary things it made Tilly laugh. That girl is my little ray of sunshine. Somehow she brings light to every situation and her laugh makes everyone else laugh. She's the only good thing that my mum and dad ever brought into the world other than themselves. My little brother Leo is following in our footsteps so I won't be surprised if he ends up in here soon. My parents are amazing and were great parents it's just Max and I that rebelled. Tilly is so sweet and innocent I never wanted her to see Max and I in here.
Rose- sounds like you love your sister and your parents very much *she says while cutting the bandage and tying it together*
Harvey- wait when did you do that?
Rose- you were talking to me about your family and I started putting the cream on and bandaging you up. You must have been so engrossed in what you were telling me that you didn't feel it.
Harvey- you were so gentle that's why I didn't feel it Rose *he smiles*
Rose- *she smiles back and then feels herself getting lost in his eyes so she quickly gets up and stands in front of him* we should go before we have guards searching for us
Harvey- yeah we've been gone a while they might think we're skipping work
*they leave and close the door behind them and walk back to work*

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