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*after the boys get medical attention they find their mum in the crowded waiting area there dad and little sister is there too. Their family runs up to them and embraces the two boys in a hug which finally breaks them into tears. Max and Harvey haven't cried in years.*
Sara- I'm so glad that you're both okay *she says crying*
Paul- yeah we had quite the scare *he says with tears in his eyes*
Tilly- I thought my big brothers weren't coming home *she says in hysterics*
Harvey- *picking Tilly up because Max just got loads of stitches in his left side* hey we're here and we're alive and well we just have a few bumps and bruises
Max- we're stronger than that tills *he smiles while putting his hand on her arm*
Sara- Leo! What about Leo?!
Max- he's alive mum. He doesn't have too bad injuries but the injuries he does have will be getting seen to
Harvey- they are moving him to another place because the one we were at has kinda been blown to smithereens
Paul- let's get you boys home and out of those clothes. You can burn them if you want to. Let's get you in hot showers or baths and into your own bed
Harvey- is it nighttime already?
Sara- yeah did you not pay attention to it?
Max- no not really we saved half of the inmates lives and when we got outside there was too much going on for my eyes to actually focus on the darkness
Paul- sounds like you boys have been busy. But let's get you home *he turns to walk out of the door*
Max- wait. There's someone I need to see before we leave because I might never see her again
Harvey- want me to come with?
Max- yeah
*they all walk around to intensive care and ask to see Rose they get directed after they answer some questions about who they are then they finally get to her room. They see a woman who must be her mum and a boy who they recognised and that was her brother. They walk in the room just Max and Harvey and they stand at the foot of her bed while their parents and little sister watch on*
Kai- what are you guys doing in here? *he says quiet but angrily*
Roses mum- leave them alone Kai. It's time to play nice. Those boys saved her a long with her friends. Besides you haven't heard all the good things about them about how they have actually changed and they make her the happiest girl in the world. About how Max is the boy she's got a crush on and about how Harvey is the kindest soul on the planet. Before you say she doesn't know what they were like that doesn't matter now they have told her everything and she still thinks the same of them now stop holding your grudges grow the fuck up and start acting your age you accept her so accept them and if you must know I actually met them and her friends in there and they were all very nice and I hope to see them all more often when she gets out of this *she smiles at the two gobsmacked boys stood at the foot of her daughter bed* please take a seat *she says gesturing to the ones next to her*
Max- t-thank you. And I don't just mean for the seat I mean for believing in us. For telling your son that we've changed
Roses mum- my daughter believes in you. My daughter trusts you and I trust and believe in her and I've seen it for myself so I have no reason to think otherwise *she smiles*
Harvey- thank you again
Roses mum- so remind me again which ones which *she slightly laughs because she can't tell the boys apart*
Max- I'm Max *he says slightly raising his hand*'you can tell me apart from my brother because I have fully brown hair
Harvey- and I'm Harvey *he says also slightly raising his hand* you can tell me apart because I have blonde highlights in my hair *he says pointing at the front of his hair*
Roses mum- *chuckles* okay thank you boys
Max- so what did the doctors say about what's going to happen to her?
Kai- the next 24 hours are going to be critical she's sleeping right now but if she makes it through these 24 hours then she should make a full recovery within the next few weeks. She sustained slashes to her stomach and legs and lost a lot of blood which is why she wasn't conscious when you found her. And she got knocked out when the rubble hit her. And she has a huge gash on her head which you can visibly see. *he says in a slightly nicer tone than before*
Harvey- will you update us? We will give you our numbers and could you tell us if anything happens?
Roses mum- of course we can sweetie
*Max and Harvey both write their numbers down on a piece of paper and hand it to Roses mum*
Harvey- and if there's anything you need and we mean anything at all then tell us *he smiles* also could you give Rose our numbers when she wakes up and gets her phone back?
Roses mum- of course I will she needs her friends and her boyfriend *she says looking at Max*
Max- how did you know?
Roses mum- I'm her mother I'm not silly besides you seemed a lot more worried about her and nervous around me than Harvey did. I'm not judging I think you will be good for each other. Kai on the other hand might have something to say about it when Rose wakes up *she says looking at her son who has a face like thunder* but I approve in fact I approve of all of you. Now you boys look absolutely shattered we're staying here all night I will message you when she wakes up because no doubt she will be asking for her friends and boyfriend. *she hugs them both and they get up and go back to their parents and little sister and then go home*

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