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*back in the building with the boys*
Jared- we need to make our way to the councillors office and try and find who we can on the way. I don't know why but I just have this feeling that the explosion either started in there or around there
Harvey- well your instincts are usually right so we will follow your lead with this on Jared but we do still need to be looking a long the way
Max- I agree and hopefully the girls told the guards that we're still alive we're just looking for more people who could be alive
Jared- that's what we asked them to do and if I know them girls well which I do they will do it
Voice- help
Harvey- keep calling out we will follow your voice and help you
*voice continues calling out until the boys get there and reveal that the voice belongs to Grace, they pull her out and check her injuries*
Grace- I always knew that you would be my night in shining armour Maxi, I knew you still loved me
Max- okay let me get this straight I never have or never will love you. I'm with someone now and she makes me so happy so stop trying to get in the way of that. We saved you because we're looking for people who are still alive and for the councillor
Harvey- yeah now you have a few cuts and bruises but you will be fine walking out on your own, go through the archway toward the food hall but don't go in the go through the doors leading to the outside which is next to them. Some guards and inmates are out there *he helps her up off of the ground and shoos her off in the direction of the outside*
Max- thank you Harv *he sighs*
Harvey- don't worry about it that girl really gets under my skin
*they find a lot more people while they walk all around the building. They finally get to the councillors office just to see that it has thick black scorch marks all on the inside of it. Everything has caved in and it doesn't look like an office anymore. This is where whatever caused the explosion was*
Jared- this is where it happened. And if the councillor was in here he would of had no chance of surviving and if he isn't in the halls and he wasn't with us and he wasn't outside then this is the only other place he could be. We tried. Let's head to the others.
*Max and Harvey didn't say a word they just follows Jared outside and they were treated by very shaky panicky girls. They were crying and uncontrollable*
Harvey- hey hey *he said pulling away from the group hug* why are you guys crying so much? What's happened?
Mini- *the calmest of the two* Rose got rushed to hospital they said she doesn't have much chance of surviving and the next 24 hours are critical. They said it would be a miracle if she survived this *she finally manages to steady her breathing*
*Max can't even talk. He feels like his whole world has come crashing down in front of him and he can't even do anything about it. He's stuck here while Rose is in there dying. He slowly slips down onto the floor because he had his back resting against a wall and just stares into space. He can hear everyone's muffled talking but he can't exactly pick out what's being said. He feels like he's going to have a panic attack when Olivias face comes into view. She puts her hands on his shoulders and pulls him into a hug and finally he can hear her voice.*
Olivia- Max listen to me. Focus on my voice to try and calm down you're having a panic attack. Match your breathing with mine. Feel my chest inhale and exhale and follow my motion. Rose is a fighter she's not going to die I promise you. But don't focus on her at the minuet focus on your breathing *Max finally got his focus back and steadied his breathing and he could hear everyone again*
Max- thank you *he smiles*
Olivia- it's what friends do you don't need to thank me *she smiles and then gets up to leave him to try and comprehend what's going on*
Harvey- how'd you do that?
Olivia- I used to suffer with panic attacks and that's what my friends and mum used to do to calm me down it works just don't suffocate them *she smiles*
Max- *stands up* so what's going to be happening with us then?
Mini- we over heard the guards talking and the people who only have a year left are free to go home like us and Rose. But people like your brother they have to go to another place and carry out their sentence there
Both twins- our brother! *they say in unison as sudden realisation hits that they haven't seen him they start shouting his name and running around the courtyard until they finally stop at a group of people a boy stands up covered in blood and cuts with his arm gashed open it was Leo *both boys throw their arms around him at the same time and then bring him over to their friends*
Leo- thank god you're all alright wait where's Rose? *they explain everything to him and he just stands there in shock*
Harvey- but the bright side is that Max and I and the rest of us get out 5 months earlier so we have a shot at a new life and Rose is a fighter she will be okay
Leo- I'm happy for you guys and I hope she is. Keep me updated yeah?
Max- we will *he smiles*
Guard- *with a megaphone* right everyone who needs urgent medical attention go over there *she points to one corner* anyone who has years left on their sentence over there and the lucky ones who only have 5 months left you guys get to go home but some of you need medical attention so we're going to have to take you to the hospital there isn't many of you so you will be okay and your parents and families will be waiting there
*everyone hugs Leo goodbye and walks over to the guard*

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