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*back at centre*
Max- what took you guys so lo- *he cuts off as he sees Harvey's hand* what the fuck has mum told you about doing that to yourself?! *he yells at his brother*
Harvey- I- *Max cuts him off again*
Max- you do realise mum is coming to see us tomorrow and it's obvious that isn't going to heal overnight! Harvey what about Tilly?! You know she doesn't like it when you hurt yourself!
Harvey- Max let m- *Max cuts him off again*
Max- I swear if you keep doing this Harvey
Rose- what?! You will do what Max?! Harvey clearly needs help and support and by you yelling at him like he's a 10 year old child that has stolen something from the corner shop it's making him feel like utter shit! You're his twin brother and out of everyone you should understand! What would Tilly say if she saw you screaming at Harvey right now?! She would be so upset and disappointed in you. Yeah your mum and her might not like it but it doesn't mean that they will yell at him like that! This is your problem! You don't listen! You listen to everyone but him! Family is all you have at the end of the day and in this place you need it! Harvey punched the wall because he blamed himself about what happened to me! But you weren't going to ask him that were you?! You were just gonna continue to yell at him! *she screams at Max before walking to the other end of the room and Olivia and Jared following her while mini watched in shock*
Max- Harv... look
Harvey- save it Max. You only feel bad because you know that Rose was right. Just leave me alone. *he says in barely a whisper before walking out of the centre*
Mini- now you know that she cares about him
Max- huh? What?
Mini- I heard you talking to Jared about you thinking Rose is too tough to let herself care. If she didn't care then she wouldn't have stood up for him like that
Max- I didn't have a go at Harvey just to see if Rose cared about him. I had a go at Harvey because he worries me when he does that and he won't talk to me about it
Mini- maybe he won't talk to you about it because you're so quick to tell him he's done wrong. Have you ever thought about that?
Max- yeah Rose has already made me feel bad about it already you don't have to keep repeating it. But if Rose did care she would have bandaged his hand up instead of letting him do it himself
Olivia- *walking over* for your information she did bandage and cream his hand she wouldn't let him do it by himself. He was telling her a story about your little sister and he didn't even realise she'd done it until she said something. You're so quick to judge her.
Max- I'm not judging her!
Olivia- don't you fucking take your temper out on me! I'm not like Harvey who lets you interrupt him by yelling at him or even lets you insult him without saying anything. I'm a whole different person. Now sort your shit out Max. *she says before walking back to Rose and Jared*
Guard- okay guys that's enough drama for today you have free time until the end of the day which is only like an hour and a half but enjoy it. Now come on before I change my mind *he smiles at them all*
*they all leave the centre walking the way they came in but non of them talking*
Mini- hey liv can I talk to you a minuet
Olivia- yeah of course. *she follows her friend* what's up?
Mini- do you think Max has a thing for controlling people? You've known him longer than me I'm just wondering if he's ever been like this before
Olivia- no he's never been like this before which is why I'm so baffled. Yeah he's yelled at Harvey for punching walls and things and hurting himself but that's his way of showing that he cares. I think there's something going on with him. Anyway we shouldn't leave him and Rose together too long poor Jared wouldn't know what to do if they start arguing again and he's on his own
Mini- okay we will get to the bottom of this eventually
Olivia- we will indeed
*they walk back to their friends*
Jared- hey I'm gonna go and find Harvey. Anyone wanna come with?
Mini- Rose will
Rose- uh I don't think that's a good idea I did kinda just shout at Max right in front of him
Max- but you stood up for him no ones ever done that before. They think because he's tough he can stand up for himself but in reality that side of him is gone now.
Rose- hey look I'm sorry for what I said back there but i was only saying the truth. You need to make sure he's okay instead of shouting at him like that. I didn't mean to make you feel small or bad about yourself I just wanted you to realise
Max- no I understand you've shone some light on something that I need to improve on and I'm thankful for that *he smiles* now go and see if Harvey's okay
Jared- come on let's go I'm scared to leave him on his own too long
*Rose and Jared walk away*

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