Chapter 4: The Kids Arrive

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"This is Chiron. He is the head counselor." She gestured to the older, tall brown-haired man. "And this is Mr. D. He owns the campground."

Mr. D, a short, round man, stepped forward. "I'll stop by every once in a while. I'm here today for introductions. Better have good behavior today for the parents." On that note, Mr. D turned and walked outside.

Annabeth turned to the counselors. "Okay, with introductions out of the way, let's finish cleaning and get ready for the kids to come!"

She clapped once and took all the finished plates off the table.

Percy followed her while everyone else went to clean their cabins.

At seven o'clock, all the counselors were showered and dressed, Waiting for the parents and kids to arrive.

Ten minutes later the first car pulled up. A little boy wearing yellow jumped out of the car. Leaving his father to grab his bags, the boy ran over to the counselors.

"Will! Will! Where are you?" The little boy screamed Will's name as he ran.

The tall blonde counselor turned around just as the boy grabbed his leg in a hug.

"Martin! Hey buddy! How have you been?" Will leaned down to give the kid a real hug.

As the two talked about their year and what exciting things happened, Martin's father walked over. Chiron greeted him and took Martin's bags.

"Welcome to camp!" Will said to Martin. The little brown-haired boy squeezed Will's leg in a hug and ran to the yellow cabin. Chiron followed with the boy's bags.

The next three cars were for the red and orange cabin. Annabeth and Leo greeted the kids with hugs and various questions. Chiron brought their bags to the cabins while Mr. D talked to the parents.

They went through this rhythm over and over again with all the kids.

A black minivan pulled into the parking lot and two kids jumped out wearing purple shirts.

Both kids had bright blonde hair. The girl seemed shy while the boy ran over to the gate.

Nico's stomach dropped as the kids walked over to him.

"Hey guys, I'm Nico." He introduced himself.

The little boy spoke first. "Hi! I'm Theo! This is my twin sister Beth!"

They attacked Nico with a hug.

Then Beth spoke.

"Are you nice? The last counselor, Luke, was really mean. He got fired last year during camp and we had to merge cabins." She spoke fast as if she was scared.

"I'm new here, and from the sound of it, I don't plan to be like Luke," Nico said to the kids softly.

Will walked over to where they were standing. "Theo! Beth! Hey guys! I see you've met Nico. He's really nice, you'll have lots of fun with him!"

Nico turned and silently thanked him for the save.

The two kids nodded and ran off with Chiron to pick their beds.

Nico met the other kids in the Purple cabin.

Lily, the short red-headed six-year-old held Nico's hand until her mom gave her a goodbye hug.

Amelia, the small, plump four-year-old, hugged Nico and climbed onto his back.

Jamie, the dark-haired seven-year-old, had immediately run off to the cabin to pick his bed and meet his friends.

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