Chapter 12

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Jimin's POV:

"So, tell me! What did you do now?" I asked him after getting comfortable on the couch.

"Jiminieeeee!!! Jungkooooook!" He whined.

"What Jungkoooook? Did he do something?" I asked him with raised eyebrows.

"No! Today morning when I was passing through the corridor, he suddenly pulled me by my wrist and then shoved me to the wall and started talking which ended up us kissing and making out bu-"

"Alright, that right there my friend is called TMI but I won't lie to you, that was really hot! Where did Jungkook learn that from?" I said cutting his sentence off.

"Jiminieeee!! Focus!! You're getting off-track!" He said whining falling on the couch dramatically.

He learned that from me!

"Your fault! You started talking about your make out rather than the important thing!" I said rolling my eyes.

"True! Alright so we had a talk and he confessed but I said we can't date and he was okay with it and now I feel like getting under a blanket and crying till my heart's content!" He said pouting.

"YAH! I did not raise a weak bitch but good he was okay with it because you are a real idiot!" I said narrowing my eyes.

"Jiminieeee!! Whyyy??" He asked whining.

"You did it because of the contract, didn't you?" I asked.

He nodded his head and closed his eyes.

"See! A real Idiot! You just have to be with him. He knows you are committed to him and you know he is committed to you, dating him doesn't mean you are going to announce it to the entire world!" I said rolling my eyes.

"B-But I am scared! What if someone gets to know!" He said whining again.

"Babe, listen to me! When it comes to the matter of your heart, you can't be scared because if you are really scared then you don't like him enough to fight for him or rather for you both!" I said smiling.

"I am scared for him, Jim! His career will be at stake!" He said now with big, round eyes staring at me.

I chuckled softly and took his big hands in mine.

"Is he scared? Babe, if he is ready to fight then why aren't you? He isn't a baby, he knows what he is doing and he obviously thought about everything before confessing to you!" I said trying to make him understand.

He started crying suddenly.

"Oh my baby!! Don't cry! Why are you crying?" I asked with pure worry and concern.

"H-He didn't want to try Jiminie! H-He left, I-I think I-I lost my chance!" He said crying.

"Hey look at me! You didn't! If that's what you think of Jungkook then you are wrong!" I said wiping his tears with my fingers.

"Are y-you sure?" He asked sniffing, wiping his tears with his small fists.

"Absolutely! But you will lose your chance if you go and do the exact opposite of what I say!" I said smirking.

"S-Stop teasing me!" He said hitting my arms lightly.

"But on a serious note, why are you so stupid? You have to be smart like your best friend i.e me!" I said crossing my arms on my chest with a proud expression on my face.

"You are an idiot as well!" He said sniffing but now smiling.

"No, I am not!" I said whining.

"Jiminieee, I am hungry!" He said now getting up from the couch.

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