Marty Gets an Elf on the Shelf

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Marty was visiting Joe for the day and he’s somewhat bored, and there was nothing to do really. All he did was listen to Joe talk and tell him about his teenage years. Then Vito comes in, holding a gift bag “busy out there, not goin’ anywhere, so, don’t ask.” Marty looks at the bag with curiosity, he wondered what was inside.

“Oh, this is for you...merry Christmas.” Marty happily takes the bag and looks inside. When he pulled out the item he raised an eyebrow and looks up at Vito “really? An elf on the shelf? I’m not five y’know?” Marty thought this was a joke but Vito looked like he was completely serious. Vito just shrugs and takes a seat beside Joe and begins to talk to him.

Marty was still looking at the elf and started to wonder if it really does move on it’s own. The thought of that did freak him out a little bit but still he should be at least thankful, Vito never gives him any gifts, or, anything in general. “Why don’t you read the story about it?” Vito asks pointing at the back of the box. Marty pulls the book out and gives Vito and Joe one more odd look and begins to read.


Once he was done reading, Marty put the book down and then saw that Joe and Vito weren’t in the living room with him. But, when looked on the coffee table where his elf was he saw that it was gone. “The fuck...?” He says with confusion and begins to look around for it, he was searching high and low for it. But when he turned he saw that the elf was sitting where he was just sitting awhile ago. He jumped a little, causing him to feel a little creeped out.

He then goes to the kitchen where Joe and Vito were, and when they saw him, Marty had an angry look on his face “that wasn’t funny.” Vito and Joe look at each other then back at Marty “what?” Marty rolls his eyes “you two moved the fuckin’ elf, I know you two did!” Joe and Vito look at each other once more. “It moved?” Joe asks with his brows raised “yeah, and you two did it.” Vito shakes his head “none of us moved it Marty, alright? We came in here after you started reading your book.” Marty didn’t really believe them, but he saw how serious they were.

“Alright, fine, if you say so...” Marty leaves the room and Vito and Joe laugh quietly in the kitchen, it was actually Joe’s idea to move it beside Marty.

This was going to be a fun month for the both of them.


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