Bus-ride Blushing

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A/N: I got the fanart from Neibolt on DeviantArt.

I swear El is glowing as we blast through the mall doors. I never would have guessed that she would go for such colorful clothes. It suites her though, she looks pretty. I glace over at El, smiling, "You wanna trade?" I offer, holding out my ice cream cone. She beams at me and we swap flavors. But before I can take a lick the whiny voices of Mike and Lucas interrupt the moment, flipping my mood like a switch. "Oh, you've got to be shitting me," I say lowering my cone as I turn towards them, I walk over with El following closely behind. "Isn't this a nice surprise!" I remark in a sarcastic tone. 

Mike's eyes turn to El, his bike clattering to the ground as he accusingly points his finger at her, "WHAT are you doing here?"


"I dump your ass," she tells him. I can't help but look at the scene with admiration, the way El asserted herself without using her powers was a side of her that I've never seen. Then El walks over to the bus, this time with me following closely behind, we leave Mike standing by the bike racks, confused, his face colored with disbelief. 

Once on the bus we plop down into some seats and look towards each other, breaking into smiles that turn to giggles, we high five. The bus pulls away, making a sharp turn that pushes El towards me. But when we get on a straight road she doesn't move, instead scooching closer and leaning her head onto my shoulder. I feel my face go bright red. Thank god she can't see it, she's too focused on her ice cream. After a few minutes I remember that I'm holding mine, I look at it and see that it's dripping all over my hand. "Shit!" I say, almost yelling, using my other hand to check my pockets for napkins, none. "Damn it," I mutter. 

El looks up at my face, startled by my outburst, then she sees my hand and lifts her head off my shoulder. "Rule one: don't be stupid," she says smiling, its infectiousness causing my lips to curl up. El reaches into her shopping bag and grabs a wad of napkins, taking one and carefully wiping the melted ice cream off my hand. Afterwards she grabs my wrist and pulls it toward her, her sudden touch sending goosebumps up my arm. El gently moves my hand toward her face. Then she takes a giant bite out of my ice cream cone. 

"Hey!" I almost yank it away, but instead hand her what remains of the cone. "Here," I shove it in her face, getting ice cream on the tip of her nose. I smirk at El as she gobbles down the cone. 

She looks at me, inquisitively raising her eyebrows, "Maaaaxxx?" she asks suspiciously. 

I giggle, "You just have a little something on your nose." I reach for a clean napkin, "Here, I got it," I say, softly dabbing her nose until it's ice cream free, "Perfect."

El tilts her head a little bit, her face scrunching up in a confused manner, "Perfect?" she questions. 

"Oh, um, it's like when something can't get any better," I explain to her. 

"Oh...ok, thanks," she says. El looks away. I think she's blushing, in turn making me blush. 

I look out the window as the bus goes to a halt, "El, this is our stop." I tell her. She nods and stands up, hooking arms with me as we get off the bus.

A/N: I know that she bit the ice cream. I swear I'm not insane. But how in the world do you take a big lick?

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